Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Travel to Des Moines

Saturday, July 11, 2020 - Des Moines, IA

Thursday Lauren stopped by for a visit and found out that we were going to board Gracie for the weekend while we went to pick up the grandkids in Des Moines, so she offered to watch Gracie for the weekend.  I know Gracie will like being home a lot more!  Thanks Lauren!

Mike and I were up early this morning.  We have a 14+ hour drive to get to Des Moines, IA.  Miranda is bringing the grandkids there from Indiana to meet us part way.  The drive was very nice.

If you look to the left of the picture you will see a dust devil.  I think this is the best picture of a dust devil I have been able to get.  :)
Miranda and the kids arrived at the hotel around 5:00pm.  Miranda fed the kids around 7:00pm at Culver's.  Once we were about 45 minutes away we ordered pizza from Pizza Hut for Mike and I to be delivered to the hotel room.  According the person that took the order the pizza should have arrived at about the same time we arrived.  We waited about 30 minutes before calling to find out where it was and they said it was out for delivery.  After another 30 minutes we called again.  This time according to the call center the order was not in the system.  They would be happy to place another order for us, but it would be an hour before it would arrive...  I told them never mind.  We went to the grocery store just down the street and pick something up.  When we got back to my room I checked my credit card and sure enough they charged it, so I called back.  They finally found the order and it was delivered to the wrong hotel!

Tony arrived at the hotel shortly after we got back.  :)  They kids were all watching TV, so we went down and moved the kids stuff from Tony's truck to our car.

It was another wonderful day.

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