Thursday, July 9, 2020

New Tires & Penitentiary

Tuesday, June 30, 2020 - Rawlins, WY

As soon as we got a call from the Goodyear dealer letting us know the tires arrived, we packed things up and drove to the tire store.  It was a little stressful for me.  I had back to back conference calls for work and a couple of reporting problems, all the while trying to get the trailer ready to go.  

Their parking lot was not very big and we could not fit in the garage.  

But Mike was able to back up right where they wanted it.  :)  While we were getting new tires, 2 more trailers stopped by to get new tires.  The big difference was they both had blow outs.  That is something we want to avoid.  

Once the new tires were on the trailer we headed back to the RV park, while I was preparing for yet another conference call...  I needed power for my laptop, so Mike plugged in the trailer before we were unhitched, so I could connect to the call.  I sat in the trailer while he lined the trailer up in the spot and unhitched.  It was a little exciting being in the trailer while it is moving.  :)

After a stressful day at work, I called it a day on time and we headed back to the Wyoming State Penitentiary to take a tour.  It was a very good tour.

This is a picture of some of the men and women that were incarcerated here.
 This was the visitation room and the gentleman sitting there was "Harry".  Everyone was supposed to say "Hi" to Harry.  It was good luck or something like that.  :)

As you can see the cells were very small and the housed 2 prisoners per cell.  We are guessing the masked bandits were smiling.  :)
 There were 4 stories of cells.
This was the shower room....and they only had cold water.  The prison did not get hot water installed until 1979.....just before they closed.
The kitchen.
The dining room.  The paintings on the wall were done by an inmate.  There was one with a couple of rams that as you walked by, the rams' eyes and heads were always following you.  There was another that no matter where you stood you were always on one side of the train tracks.  They were very cool.
Here is the recreation area.  There was a movie that was filmed here and the hole in the wall in the far corner was made by the movie crew; it was not there when the prison was in use.  :)
This is the gas chamber.  Only 5 inmates were executed in this chamber.
Here is a glossary of terms used by the prison inmates.
One I found humorous in the list below was "Geek"  - Depraved person (carnival slang, one who bites heads off live chickens.  :)
I would recommend the tour as it was very interesting.  If you are so inclined, they have a Halloween tour in October.  Sounds a little scary for me.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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