Saturday, July 25, 2020

Black Forks River

Sunday, July 19, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

After church and breakfast we headed out for the public access site for the Black Forks River where we spent time playing in the water.

Pretty soon Alex and Avander were floating down the river and Mike was catching them.

The boys sat in the water for a little bit and when Alex got up his legs were black.  Upon further investigation we realized they were leaches.  Yuk!  They washed off really easy.  :)

The water was very cold and they were all soon ready to call it a day.  Even Gracie was cold and shivering.  Before leaving, Ami wanted her picture taken.
On the way back Gracie slept very well.  :)
When we got back Ami helped Papa cut up melon and prepare dinner.
It was another wonderful day!

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