Thursday, June 25, 2020

Travel to Santa Rosa, NM

Sunday, June 21, 2020 - Santa Rosa, NM

We were up early this morning to get on the road before the heat of the day.  It is supposed to be 106 here in Carlsbad today, so we wanted to head north as quickly as possible.  :)  We were on the road by 8:30AM local time.  We are now on Mountain Daylight Time.  As we drove north we saw a couple of oil fields, but saw very few of the oil pumps pumping.  The terrain became very flat!

You can't tell in this picture, but there are mountains off in the distance:  the far, far distance.  I think the haze we are seeing is smoke from the wild fires in the area.
Mike came over the radio and said quick take a picture.  You can't see them very well in the picture, but ahead and on the right side of the highway is a tall cowboy figure pointing at another tall cowboy figure on the left side of the highway.  No explanation or anything, just the 2 men.  :)
Eventually we made it safe and sound to Santa Rosa RV Park in Santa Rosa, NM.
This is our view looking out the door.....not crowded at all.
We will be here until Wednesday.

It was another wonderful day!

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