Saturday, June 20, 2020

Drive to Portal, AZ

Monday, May 25, 2020 - Portal, AZ

For the last couple of months we have been wanting to drive over to Portal, AZ to check out some land to buy.  Between COVID, the Suburban being in the shop, and changing real estate agents 4 times we are finally going to see some land.  :)  It is a 6.5 hour drive, so we will be spending the night at Portal Peak Lodge.  We packed the cooler with food and drinks just in case we couldn't find a place open to eat.

We drove across New Mexico State Road 9.  It was a very nice drive with almost no traffic and zero cell coverage between towns.  We were driving right along the US/Mexico border.  As we were driving we noticed they are working on building the wall.  In the picture below you can see construction material all laid out and ready to be installed.
In the picture below you can see a big gap in the wall.  You can't really see the material laying on the ground.

We finally made it to Portal, AZ.  This is a picture of the mountain just up the street from the lodge.
This is the Portal Store Cafe and Lodge.  To the right of the picture is the outdoor seating area for the Cafe.  After checking in, we had lunch there. 
Behind the store are the rooms.  
After we ate lunch we drove around to see if we could find the properties.  And we stopped by the monument for spot where Geronimo surrendered.
When we got back to the town of Portal we drove on to Cave Creek Canyon.  Wow!! Was it ever beautiful!!

While we were there we did hike up to an overlook.  

As we were driving we came across several turkeys.
Then we drove back to the lodge and went to our room to grab a bite to eat for dinner.

It was another wonderful day!

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