Sunday, August 8, 2021

ER Visit

 Thursday, February 25, 2021 - St. David, AZ

This afternoon while working, my back started hurting.  Soon, it became very uncomfortable, so I decided to lay down on the bed to see if it would help.  The pain was only getting worse.  Soon the pain became unbearable and Mike ended up taking me in to the ER.  I was pretty much unable to move and was curled in the fetal position when he got me in and ended up curled up on the floor.  They came out and got me into a wheelchair.  After getting my vitals, gave me some morphine and another COVID test.  Oh boy!  But it was nothing compared to the pain I was in. The COVID test came back positive again so quarantine starts all over.  They took me out to their portable lab and did a CAT scan.  The results of came back and showed I have kidney stones!  I have heard a lot about them from my brother and after experiencing them for myself, they are not something I would wish on anyone.  Hopefully, they will pass soon!

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