Saturday, August 14, 2021

Our Lady of the Sierras

Sunday, March 3, 2021 - St. David, AZ

While visiting with Scott and Robin, they told me about a Shrine down by Hereford, AZ, so today Mike and I decided to go and see it.  The Shrine was opened to the public in 1998.  

Scott and Robin stated they noticed the cross up on the hill as they were driving by.  Mike and I almost missed the cross and we were even looking for it.  Maybe that is the problem.  :)

Of course I had to take a picture of the sign.

Here are a couple of pictures looking down in the valley.

There is a beautiful 31 foot tall statue of Mary.

And then there is the 75 foot tall cross.

The chapel is very small, but very beautiful.  In 2011 a wildfire damage the building, but the mural of Jesus was redone by the original local artist.

And someone was kind enough to take a couple of pictures of us.  :)

Here is a picture of the cross from the Our Lady of Guadalupe grotto.

Here is the grotto.

The Angel of Revelation.  The crosses in the background are part of a trail with the 14 stations of the cross.

It was very nice and I can see why the owners picked this spot.

It was another wonderful day!

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