Sunday, August 8, 2021

Joan Not Feeling Well

 Monday, February 15, 2021 - St. David, AZ

This morning it was my turn to wake up not feeling well.  I don't have a fever, but I ache all over.  After 24 hours, Mike said he felt fine when he woke up Sunday fever and no aches; but has lost his sense of taste and smell.  Uh-oh!!   I think we both have COVID.  

Mike looked into getting a COVID test in Benson.  It looks like the soonest we will be able to get tested in Benson is sometime next week.  Really??!!  So he was able to get us an appointments at a CVS on the far east side of Tucson for Thursday.  It's a drive thru test but it is the quickest free test we could find.

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