Monday, June 16, 2014

Friday, June 13, 2014 - Granger, IN

Welcome to our blog about our adventures as full-time RVer's.  This is my first attempt at a blogging, so we will see how it goes.  :)  I don't consider myself a writer, so I hope you enjoy reading about our adventure. 

Today marks 2 weeks before Mike retires from his career, at which point he will become a work camper!  :)  He is nervous about giving up his pay check, but he is looking forward to the variety of jobs he will be working.

This evening we went out to dinner with the "Wire Group".  We went to Evil Czech Brewery in Mishawaka, IN.   I had the Chicken and Biscuits and Mike had BBQ Brisket.  This was the first time any of us had gone there and it was a really good place to eat.

Ray, Lester, Kathy, myself, Dorothy, Sonnie and Mike were all at the dinner tonight.  Part of the group was unable to attend.  We hope to see them next time we are in town.  :)  As always, it was a great time!

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