Thursday, June 19, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014 - Granger, IN

Today we had a lot of things we wanted to get done, so we got up early and headed for ABC Storage.  Mike wanted to get pictures of his motorcycle, so he could put it up for sale.  We also wanted to start moving the items from this storage shed to the storage shed in Mishawaka.

He has really enjoyed this motorcycle, but now he wants to get a shorter and quieter motorcycle. 
Gracie wanted in the picture also.  :)

 We got the Suburban loaded up with some of the stuff and headed for Mishawaka.  Unfortunately while we were loading up the Suburban I accidentally knocked the camera off the back of the Suburban and now it is not working.  :(

We also took the truck to the storage shed, so we could see how many planes we could fit on the rack we built last week.
We were able to fit 5 planes, but we will need to build another layer to the rack.  We are also going to build a hanger to hang another plane above the table, which is below the rack.

We re-organized the items in the storage shed and we were able make enough room for everything, plus we are now sure we will be able to get the rest of the stuff in there.  This is pretty good considering when we moved out of the house last year we had 3 different units; 1 - 10 x 20 and 2 - 10 x 10's.  Now we will only have 1 - 10 x 10.  :)

We heard from Tony that he was on his way home from AT and we all decided to meet at Texas Roadhouse for dinner.  We finished up at the storage shed and headed for the restaurant.  We all got there about 9:00pm.  A very late dinner. :)

After dinner we went out to look at all of Tony's pictures and videos from AT.  He had the opportunity to ride a Black Hawk down to Camp Atterbury for AT.  What an awesome opportunity!

We were there until about 1:00am, but it was wonderful being with Tony!

We had a really great day!

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