Friday, June 27, 2014

Mike's last day of work!

Friday, June 27, 2014  -  Granger, IN

Today is Mike's last day of his career.  Now he will be a work camper!  :)

Mike called to let me know the fuel pump on the truck has a crack in it.  This is not good!  MTE told him that it is a 4 week lead time via his normal distributor, but he found one in TN that can be flown up here and installed tomorrow.  So that is what is going to happen.  I am not looking forward to seeing the bill for this.  This will delay our leave for tomorrow by several hours.  At least we didn't have to be in a hurry tonight.

Now the hard part, organize the garage.  This could be a bigger job than we thought.  We were going to put the bikes on the bike rack on the back of the Suburban, but we are worried we won't be able to get it out when we get down to Lake Cumberland.  We will need it out to put the hitch for the boat in...  :)

It was another great day!

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