Saturday, June 28, 2014

Truck Trouble

Saturday, June 28, 2014  - Granger, IN

And the adventure has begun... Today we were supposed to head to Indy.  Then we planned to stay at the KOA in Indianapolis tonight.  How does that saying..."If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans."  :)  Well we told God about our plan and he laughed today.  :)

The part for the truck arrived at about 10:00am and they started working on it as soon as it arrived.  They had it fixed and fired it up, but they were getting an error code.  So they tracked down that problem and got it fixed.  We finally arrived to pick it up at about 3:00pm.  We paid our bill and drove away, but we did not make it very far before we had to stop along side the road.  The coolant light came on, which shuts down the truck.  We gave them call and they came to figure out the new problem.  It appears the plug on the coolant sensor was broken.

The mechanic by-passed the sensor, so we could drive the truck back to MTE and they could fix it.  While we were there Mike decided he would check the tire pressure.  Well that was a very bad idea!  He broke one of the valve stems off and after a few choice words (#!@#?!), he asked the mechanic if they could fix the valve.  "No, we do not do tire repair"!   We had to call for Shrader Tire for roadside assistance.

The mechanic finished fixing the sensor and they closed up and headed out.  (The truck was sitting outside)  They let us know Shrader would be calling soon to let us know when they were going to be here.  Well about 10 minutes later they did call and let us know they would be here in 65 to 75 minutes.  So we headed for Panera for some dinner.  Just as we sat down to eat the tire mechanic called and said he would be there in about 5 minutes.  We ate quickly and headed back to MTE.  The tire mechanic was just finishing up when we arrived.  After about 30 minutes of talking to the tire mechanic we were on our way to ABC Storage to pick up the last of the items to go in the truck!  By this time it was about 6:30pm.  We will not be going to Indy tonight!  :)

We finally got back to the trailer about 9:00pm.  We will now be leaving for Indy in the morning.  We are praying the plan can work tomorrow.  :)

It was another great day!

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