Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Travel to Indianapolis

Sunday, June 29, 2014  - Indianapolis, IN

Today we were up and moving early, but we still did not leave the campground until 9:15am.  We were hoping to be gone no later than 8:30am.  :)  We arrived at KOA Indianapolis around 12:30pm.  We checked in and got our campsite.  The campsites here are very close together, but we will only be here for one night and we did not have any neighbors.

Shortly after we arrived Tammy and Greg arrived!  They brought us a house warming gift.  A bottle of Spring Mill Bourbon, which is produced and bottled by Cologlazler & Hobson Distilling Company, Indianapolis, IN.  We are looking forward to drinking it.  :)

After the nickel tour of our new home, we headed for Lincoln Square in Greenfield for a bite to eat.  We had a wonderful meal with some great company!

We were so glad Tammy and Greg were able to meet up with us.  It is always great to see you guys.  :)  Also, thank you for the Bourbon, and Mike says thanks for the cigar.

Around 4:30pm we headed for Sue and John's for a family get together.  Today is Dave's Birthday!  Happy Birthday Dave!  Jess, Mike and boys got there before we did.  No one else knew they were coming into town, so it was a real surprise for everyone.  :)

I thought I took lots of pictures, but all I took were pictures of the kids watching John shoot off the fire works.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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