Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Norfolk today

Sunday, July 27, 2014 - Norfolk, VA

It rained off and on most of the day today.

This morning we went back to St. Olaf for 8:00am Mass.  We talked about going to another church, but it was 25 minutes away and St. Olaf is only about 7 minutes away.  It was another wonderful service.

After Mass we went back to Hot Cake's' Pancake and Waffle House.  Today we both had a waffle and bacon.  I had the apple waffle and Mike had the blueberry waffle.  It was very good and the service was great.

We got back to the trailer, the rain had stopped and we got our laundry packed up and we headed for Norfolk.  The boys were very happy to see us.  :)  Mike, Mike J. and the boys headed for the hobby store, while Jess and I just hung out.  :)

We really didn't do anything exciting, but we had a really nice time.  We even played some Family Game night on the Wii before heading back home.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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