Friday, July 11, 2014

LIttle Falls

Friday, July 4, 2014 - Russell Springs, KY

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Last night Nick, Megan, and Shelby arrived around 10:30pm and Tony arrived shortly there after.  It was not much after Tony arrived that Mike and I headed for bed.  Alex and Katlyn arrived around 2:00am, but you could not prove that by me.  :)

Today we decided to head for Little Falls. On our way there everyone wanted to go tubing.  :)  Before we started tubing Alex took a quick dip.

Megan, Shelby and Kaylin were all ready for the ride.

First up was Tony, Nick, Alex and Mike.

Tony wanted to make sure Alex and Nick were staying cool.  ;)  Just a little splashing!

Another short video, this one of Mike, Tony, Alex and Nick on the tubes.   Click on the link below to see the video.  :)

Tony, Mike, Nick and Alex on the tube! 

Avander was having fun watching.

Nick came in and Jake and Megan went out to have a turn.

Then we put one more tube out, so Jake could try riding one of the small tubes.

Then Megan, Kaylin and Shelby wanted a turn on the big tube.

Even Mike joined them.  This is Jake and Mike on the small tubes with Kaylin, Megan and Shelby on the big tube.  :)

Next Jess wanted a turn, so Jake came in and Jess went out.

We finally made it to Little Falls, where we went swimming and relaxed!

On the way back to the campsite Megan, Kaylin and Shelby wanted to ride on the tube one more time.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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