Friday, July 18, 2014

Motorcycle decisions

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

Well Mike has decided to take the 2008 FJR, as long as the test ride goes well.  So Mike spent his day figuring out how he was going to get the money out of our savings account.  We are currently using 2 banks, one is a local bank to the South Bend, IN area and the other is a National Bank.  Well the national bank is not so national.  The closest one to here is in PA.  :)  After calling our local bank he found out we could go to any bank here in Williamsburg and do a cash withdrawal on our debit card and our local bank would raise our limit for this one withdrawal.  They said the bank we use for the withdrawal may charge for this transaction.  Mike then went to Navy Federal to talk to them and found out they would do the transaction for free!  This a good thing.  So we will move money from our savings to our checking and go to Navy Federal in the morning to withdrawal the funds!

While Mike was out and about he also had to stop the post office to mail a letter.  When he came out the Suburban won't start!  Oh no!  So he checked the terminals and found one loose...and he had no tools in the Suburban.  He had just taken them out yesterday.  :(  When a very nice lady came out of the post office and saw his hood up, she asked if she could help.  He asked if he could have a jump.  It is nice to know there is still people out there that are willing to help you out.  :)  Once he got the Suburban re-started he had back to the campground and used his tools to tighten the terminal.  He also put some tools back in the Suburban.  :)

This evening we meet a couple of our neighbors. Keri, who is in the air force, she lives in the Open Range, and Mike, works for a contractor for the military, he lives in a Puma.  Both very nice people!  I am sure we will be seeing a lot of them over the next couple of months.  :)

On our last walk for the night with Gracie we meet Dave and Brenda.  Dave is a contract engineer and Brenda works for Walgreens.  Dave has 5-8 year project in the Williamsburg area, so they are planning on living in their motorhome while they are here.

It was another wonderful day!

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