Monday, July 21, 2014

Colonial Williamsburg

Friday, July 18, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

 This morning I got up early to get a couple of hours of work in before we headed for Colonial Williamsburg.  We arrived at the visitors center around 10:30am.  At 11:30am the Revolution in the Streets was going to start near the Capitol, so we decided to forgo the couple of movies at the visitor center and head directly to Duke of Gloucester Street..

This is a picture of the Capitol.

We did not have time to tour the inside of the Capitol.

We had a little time before the Revolution in the Streets was due to start, so we checked out some of the sights.  The Presbyterian Meeting House, the Raleigh Tavern, Silversmith and Milliner and Tailor.

The Revolution in the Streets was ok, but we wish we had gone to see more of the sights.  There were places we were unable to see because we ran out of time.  :)

After the Revolution in the Streets we had lunch at the garden at the King's Arms Tavern.  I took another picture of Mike, but I think he is not liking me being behind the camera all the time.  :)

Mike had the Dish of Beef and I had the Grid Ironed Chicken, which was a salad.  Both were very good.

 After lunch we headed down the street and stopped by the Public Armoury.   There was a neat old fire truck there:

From there we went to the Magazine.  

Then we had stops at the shoemaker, weaver and Bruton Parish church.  The church was very beautiful.  From there we walked down to the Governor's Palace.  Where our guide told us the story of the how the governor left the country with his family in fear for his life.  She did a great job and the palace was amazing

At the end of the day we stopped by M. Dubois Grocer for some ice cream before heading home.  While eating our ice cream the confederate band went by.

Once we got home we took Gracie for a walk and we came upon a turtle.  She did not know what to do with the turtle.  It was amusing to watch her investigate the turtle.


It was another wonderful day!

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