Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Motorcycles and dinner

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

Mike organized the the tools and the 2 job boxes on the back of the truck, while I worked.  :)  Now all of the tools are out of the Suburban and in the job boxes.  I don't know what else is in the job boxes or where all of the items that were in the job boxes went, but he made a list and he said he will put in an electronic document.  (I will believe when I see it. :))

This evening a storm rolled through, but Mike really wanted me to see the motorcycles, so off to Virginia Beach we went.  First we stopped by the 2008.  It is black and it is beautiful.  Mike says the down side is it does not have heated grips, but it has the trunk with a back rest.  Then over to the 2013, which was only about 5 minutes from the guy selling the 2008.  This one is dark silver color.  And the biggest problem is the guy has not registered it yet.  He bought it earlier this year and before we would buy he would have to pay the sales tax and register it.  I vote for the 2008.  :)  Since it had just rained Mike did not want to take either one out for a test ride, but he told them both he would get back with them tomorrow on our decision.

After checking out the bikes we were going to go the the grocery, then to home to eat dinner, but it was already 7:30 and we had an hour drive back to Williamsburg, so we decided to go out to dinner.  We wanted to go some place that was not a chain restaurant.  So I checked the phone for seafood restaurants in Williamsburg.  The one we chose was Berret's Seafood Restaurant and Taphouse Grill.

The service was great and the food was fantastic.  Before our food came I took a picture of Mike.  I don't think he was real thrilled.  :)

We started out with the Bar Crab Dip and Pita Chips.  With a Re-Pita.  :)  When we asked if we could have some more pita chips, our waiter, Josh, said he would hit the re-pita button.  :)  Then I got my salad and Mike got the soup, lobster corn chowder.  The ranch dressing was homemade and it was great.  Mike said his soup was really good and I am sure it was homemade as well!

Then the main course came.  By this time I was wishing we had not hit the re-pita button, I was getting full.  I had the Fresh seafood in parchment paper and Mike had the Seafood trio.

We both ate our entire meal, but when Josh came back to ask about dessert, it was absolutely "No"!  We were just to full.  :)  If you ever get in the Williamsburg area and are looking for a great seafood restaurant, this is absolutely the place to come!

I have always heard going to the grocery on a full stomach is the best way to go.  I think they are right, we did not buy very many snack foods.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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