Friday, July 25, 2014


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

We did not do much today.  For most of the day Mike worked on inventorying our stuff and putting it in a spreadsheet, so we could easily find things.  Since it could be located in the trailer, truck, or Suburban, we could spend lots of time looking an item.  :)   Once I was done working for the day, I helped him finish it up.

After dinner we took the truck for a drive, to keep the batteries charged.  When we returned from our quick trip, Mike, the guy in the trailer behind us, asked if we could watch his dogs for him on Saturday.  He will be going on a fishing outing and will be leaving at 3:30am and not returning until late.  So we went over to his trailer to meet his dogs.  They are both very nice and I don't think we will have any trouble with them...  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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