Saturday, July 19, 2014

Pick up the FJR

Thursday, July 17, 2014 - Virginia Beach, VA

This morning Mike headed for Navy Federal to get the money to buy the FJR.  When he got home he worked on organizing the garage, so the bike will fit.  :)

A least twice a day I take Gracie for a walk on a long walk, sometimes Mike goes with me.  :)

I get winded going up this hill and I am only about 1/3 the way though my walk once I get to the top.  (This picture is about 1/3 the way up the hill.)

Once I get to the top of that section, I have a little further to go up.

 Then past several KOA kabins.

On to the long camping loop.

Around the short camping loop.  :)

Then back past the KOA kabins and down the hill to home.  It is a very nice walk and I am sure it will get easier as the days go by.  :)

Before we headed for Virginia Beach the older couple in the campsite behind us were packing up to leave.  They were originally going to leave on Sunday, but their Grandson got home from Afghanistan today.  So they were packing up to head home.  They still had tickets for Colonial Williamsburg and they wanted to know if we wanted them.  :)  These tickets are worth about $45.00/person.  They expire on Saturday and since we already have plans for Saturday, we decided we would go tomorrow.

After I got done working for the day, Mike and I headed back to Virginia Beach to test ride and bring home the FJR.  It is a very nice bike!

I am sure we will enjoy riding it!

It was another wonderful day!

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