Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Travel to Lake Cumberland

Monday, June 30, 2014 - Russell Springs, KY

We were up and ready to head for Russell Springs, KY by 10:30am.  With a later start than we were hoping for, it was going to be a long travel day.  This seems to be a pattern lately.  :)

We did stop for lunch.  We also need to get the map information on the GPS updated.  It has not been updated since 2008 and the roads have changed a lot since then.  We ended up having to turn around once and with the trailer that is no easy feat.

We arrived at the Russell Springs KOA around 6:30pm.  Jess needed to print and sign a document for work, so her and I headed into town to get a printer, groceries and pizza for dinner.

Back at the trailer we soon found out the WIFI at the campground was terrible, even if you were in the store where the router is sitting.  :(  We also discovered we forgot to purchase a printer cable. :(  So Jess and Mike (her dad), quickly ate their dinner and headed for Somerset, KY to purchase a printer cable and get her document printed and sent back to her work.  They finally got back and all was well, but it was a very late night.

It was another wonderful day!

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