Friday, June 20, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014 - Granger, IN

Last night we went down to ABC Storage and picked up one more load and took it to Mishawaka.  I think we still have 2 more loads before we will have everything out of the storage shed there.  :) 

Mike also got a couple of people who are interested in his motorcycle.  :)  Hopefully we will be able to get it sold before we leave.

This evening I went to La Porte to have dinner with Diane.  As always we had a really nice time.  :)

Since we sold the Buick last week, on my way back from La Porte, I picked Mike up at work, then he dropped me off at the Verizon store, which is within walking distance of the KOA.  Then he headed out to go out to dinner with AB (Aunt Betty).  And I got a Smart Phone.  On my walk back home, I realized I left the key to the trailer in the Suburban with Mike.  :(  So I just went back to the trailer and sat at the picnic table and played with my phone for a while.  When the mosquitoes started getting real bad, I went up to the store to get away from the bugs. And I called Mike to let him know I needed a key.  They were just finishing up eating, so he came here before he dropped off AB.  :)

It was another great day!

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