Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 27, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

For the last couple of years we have driven to Norfolk to spend Thanksgiving with Jess and her family.  Since Mike is working at Amazon he did not have the day off, so we stayed home for Thanksgiving.  With the weather being bad on the east coast I am thankful we were staying home this year.

The day started the same as any other week day, I got up, worked on the computer, took a shower and took Gracie for a walk.  After her walk I cleaned our home, then sat down and played on the computer.  Around 1:00pm I took Gracie for another walk, then put the Honey Baked ham in the oven to warm it up.  Mike arrived home around 2:00pm.  Shortly after he arrived home we walked up to Richard and Marcella's to see what time we would be eating.  Marcella said the food would be ready around 4:00pm.

Around 4:00pm we headed up to the camp store to meet for dinner.  We had turkey, ham, green beans, squash, and mashed potatoes.  Dinner was great, conversation was great with Richard and Marcella and Bruce and Margret.  We finally had dessert of pumpkin pie and apple/cranberry pie.  Then everyone was tired and tomorrow is another work day, so we called it a night around 7:30pm.

James ended up joining us for a while for some conversation, but he was too full for any dinner.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Breakfast at Campbellsville University

Sunday, November 23, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

 Since we went to Mass last night we slept in and took our time getting ready to go to breakfast at the dining hall at Campbellsville University.  We arrived around 11:00am.  Today we met Larry and Cynthia.  They are camping at the Stables Campground.  After a couple hours of good food and nice conversation we finally headed home around 1:00pm.

We did not do much else all day today.

It was another wonderful day!


Saturday, November 22, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning Gracie and I headed for a walk.  I thought I would finally walk the Cabin trail, but part way there I decided I would go find the geocache that is in the State Park.  It is located down by the campground.  I knew it was going to be a long walk, but we really enjoyed.  I was able to find it!  :)

I signed the little notebook, the Gracie and I headed back home.  When we got back we had walked a total of 6.64 miles.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Dinner with Amazon Crew

Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Today was a lot warmer than yesterday, but the wind was really blowing hard all day.  When Mike got home he said the Amazon crew was going to get together for dinner at Garcia's at 6:00pm for the group that is headed for the Jeffersonville, IN fulfillment plant.  Most of them will be leaving on Sunday.  They start working on Tuesday.  So before we could leave I needed to take Gracie for a walk.  While I was gone Mike connected the truck up to the battery charger.  Then he wired up the trailer wiring on the Suburban.  Something he has been meaning to do for a couple of weeks.  :)

On my way back from walking Gracie I realized that the wind knocked over our water softener. When it fell over it caused one of the couplings to leak.  It is going to be really hard to fix it with all of the heat tape that is wrapped around it.  Mike got it set up the best he could for now.  We finally headed to town at 6:00pm.  We were about 15 minutes late, but there was a big group of people that came.  We had a really good time and finally headed back home around 9:00pm.

It was another wonderful day!

Frozen Pipe

Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Mike got a call last night from Amazon letting him know that the mandatory overtime had been cancelled, so he took the opportunity to sleep in today.  Once he got up he turned on the faucet to check to see if we had water, since it got so cold last night.  Bad news, the water line is frozen somewhere between here and there!  So he got dressed and headed outside to figure it out.  The thermometer said it was only 19 outside.  Brrr.  While he was working on getting the water flowing again I took Gracie for our morning walk.  It was really cold!

When Gracie and I got back from our walk, Mike had the water flowing again.  It was frozen right at the top of the faucet head.  Mike fired up the torch to melt the in the faucet.  Then he put his flannel shirt on the pipe to break the wind.  :)  Under the green tarp is a blanket that is covering the water filter and water softener.

This afternoon we decided to get our laundry done.  Normally we put the laundry in the washer and come back home, 30 minutes later head back to move the laundry to the dryer.  Well I think everyone in the park decided to do laundry today.  We ended up staying there the entire time our laundry was washing and drying chit chatting with our neighbors.  :)

This evening we ran into town to find and go to the Campbellsville public library.  For our first time to check out books we were only allowed to pick 2, so we both checked out a book.  Once we left the library we headed over to Fiesta Mexican Restaurant for dinner.  It was a very nice dinner.  I think it was better than Gracia's.  Then we found out Tuesday nights is their discount dinner night, so we got a 15% discount on our dinner.  That was nice surprise.  :)  After dinner we headed to Kroger's to pick up this weeks groceries.

It was another wonderful day!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Monday, November 17, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

When Gracie and I went out for our morning walk it was snowing!  I was hoping we were far enough south for this time of year that we would not be seeing any snow, but Mother Nature had other ideas.  :)

When we got back I cleaned off the steps, so they would not ice up and cause me to end up on my butt.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Breakfast at Campbellsville University

Sunday, November 16, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning we took our time getting up and getting ready for the day.  We finally decided to head to Campbellsville University for breakfast.  As we were leaving Bruce and Margaret and Richard and Marcella were also headed out to go to breakfast.  Shortly after we arrived John and Kathy joined us.  After a good meal and great conversation we finally headed out, 3 hours after we arrived.  :)

Before going home we stopped by Lowe's to pick up a couple of things.  I picked up a Christmas wreath and we got a string of lights to put on it.  We will not be putting it up today, since it is raining.  Maybe tomorrow.  :)

We just relaxed the rest of the day.

It was another wonderful day!

Long Hike

Saturday, November 15, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Today Gracie and I went for a 6.35 mile hike.  It was a little cool today, but it was a really nice walk.  Below is a map from my mapmyfitness app.

We took the Shipp Trail, which is the loop toward the bottom of the picture.  We also took all of the Cobee Trail, which is the smaller loop on the top right side.  Below is a picture at the beginning of the Shipp Trail.

The Shipp Trail comes out very close to the marina. 

It also comes very  close to the road that goes down to the marina.

At one point I lost the trail, but I did end up finding it again.  Below is the area where I lost the trail.  :)

While on the Cobee trail I saw at the bottom of the hill this small frozen water fall.

After our nice long walk when went back home and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon until it was time to go pick Mike up to go to church at Our Lady of the Hill.

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Amazon Offer

Friday, November 14, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Earlier this week Amazon was looking for 100 of the Camperforce to go to the Jeffersonville, IN facility.  They offered a $500.00 bonus, plus $0.75 more per hour.  They only got about 30 people to sign up, so today they offered a $1000.00 bonus.  Ok, that is a lot nicer, but they are having us stay at the Louisville Expo.  They have already turned off their water, so we would have to use our fresh water tank.  They would have a water truck stop by every other day.... It puts us closer to Indianapolis for Christmas, but it puts us further north.  We decided we would stay put.  They got all of the necessary Camperforce to sign up.

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Cold weather arrives

Thursday, November 13, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Nothing exciting has been going on the last couple of days, the cold weather has arrived as predicted and we are trying to stay warm.  This evening Mike put heat tape on our hose.  It is supposed to be a low of 24 tonight, but I think it is going to be colder.  Our outside thermometer is showing 25 and it is only 8:00pm.  When Mike bought the heat tape at Lowe's they told him the only reason they stock it is because the Camperforce at Amazon.  They will even order the heated hose for you.  :)

No snow yet, but it is predicted for the weekend.   I can honestly say I am real glad we are not up in Northern Indiana right now.  Don't miss shoveling snow at all.  :)

It was another wonderful day.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Last Nice Sunny Day for a while

Monday, November 10, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Today was going to be the last sunny warmer day for a while, so I wanted to take Gracie for another long walk.  I had several things I wanted to get done today, including getting in at least 5 hours of work.  I also had several phone calls to make.  We finally headed out for our walk about 3:45.  I was hoping to walk to the Cabin Trail, but by the time I got there I was afraid it would get dark before I got back, so we turned around and headed back.  We still went on about a 4.5 mile hike.  It was really nice.

I am not looking forward to the cold weather that is coming.

It was another wonderful day!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

National Corvette Museum

Sunday, November 9, 2014 - Bowling Green, KY

This morning we headed for the Bowling Green to go to the National Corvette Museum.  Before going there we thought we would go to Bob Evans for breakfast, but they were very busy and we did not want to wait that long.  We went over to Crackle Barrel and they were just as busy.  So we decided to eat at the Corvette Museum Cafe.  The Cafe is in the Museum.

We both order the BLT and a smoothie.  It was good, nothing special.  Then we went on into the museum.  We found out today is the last day to see the sinkhole.  They are going to start filling it in tomorrow.  So we were real glad we made it here today.

Here is the hole.  It is very big!

There were 24 corvettes in this room and only 8 of them went down in the hole.  Only 3 of them will be repaired.  The rest are beyond repair.  The first one to be pulled out was driven out of the building and has since been repaired.  It was called the "Blue Devil".  One of the other ones being repaired was the millionth one built.  It is currently at GM being repaired.  The last one to be repaired is going to be this black one.

This 1983 is the least damaged of the ones not being repaired, but it still sustained a lot of damage.

This one is 1.5 millionth one to be built.

The next 3 were the most seriously damaged vehicles.  The first one was 1991 ZR1 Spyder.  The next one was a 2001 Mallett Hammer Z06.  The last one was a 1984 PPG Pace Car.  The Spyder was by far the most heavily damaged.

We had a nice time seeing all of the cars.  It is a great museum with a lot of history on Corvettes. 

We wanted to make a couple of stops before heading back to Campbellsville.  First we stopped by Cabelas where we both bought some hiking boots.  Ok, so that was not a planned purchase.  :)

Then we headed for Lowe's to see if we could pick up some heat tape for our hose.  With the cold weather coming we need some heat tape.  The only heat tape we could find is not recommended for hoses.  Hummm.

Next we went to Best Buy to ask about changing our cell service, so I can use my phone as a wifi hot spot.  But it turns out they are not allowed to sell Verizon at this store.  The nearest Verizon store is in TN.  You have to be kidding me.  It seems Bluegrass Cellar has a contract with Verizon and they do not have any stores in South Central KY.

We thought we would try to pick up some heat tape at Wal-Mart, but no luck.  We will have to just get the heat tape that Lowe's has for now, unless we can find some on the internet.

Before heading back we stopped by Red Lobster for dinner.  It has been a very long time since we have eaten at a Red Lobster, but it was very good.

On the way back the moon was very big and beautiful.  It was hard to get a good picture, but here was my attempt.  :)

It was another wonderful day!


Saturday, November 8, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Today is Mike's Friday, but his Monday will come quickly, since it is Monday.  He has once again volunteered to work a 6th 10 hour day.  He figures he only has 6 more weeks to work until he gets several weeks off for the holidays. :)

It was a beautiful day, so Gracie and I went for a walk over at the state park.  We walked down Cobee's trail to Lodge Trail.

It is a 1.5 mile trail that is very nice.  It first went through the woods, then out by the lake.

Our total walk was about 4.5 miles.  It was very nice.

We did not do much else today.  We did go to Mass at Our Lady of the Hill.

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Full Gray Tank

Wednesday, November 5, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

 Before Mike left for work this morning he told me that the gray tank was full.  Well the indicator always shows full well before it is actually full and that is where I figured it was at...  I went ahead and took a shower and during my shower the gray tank filled up.  I still had to rinse out my hair, so after my shower the gray tank was 101% full!  Oh no!  Well I thought I would just go out and drain the tanks, but last week we had to buy a new hose.  It came in 2 sections and Mike only used 1 section and left the second section in the Suburban.  When he was done emptying the tank last week he throw away the old second section.  When I went to look for the second section I remembered it was in the Suburban and the Suburban was with Mike at Amazon!  Oh no!  Guess I would have to wait until he got home from work, which meant I would not be using any water today!

Gracie and I went for our morning walk, in the rain.  It was a nice walk, but very wet.  When we got back I went to put the umbrella in the garage when I stepped in some water coming out from under the kitchen sink!  I thought "this is bad, very bad"!  Turned out part of the studor vent connection under the sink was not tight and it was leaking the water from the shower, which was at a higher elevation than the studor vent pipe.  Well I got that mess cleaned up, then I took a cup and bucket and got as much water out of the shower as I could.  I kept an eye on the pipe under the sink the rest of the day to make sure it was not going to make any more of a mess.

At lunch time I decided I would cut up an apple to eat.  My kids have never trusted me with a knife.  :)  I have cut myself several times of the years with a knife.  I have even managed to cut myself with a butter knife.  Well today is another day that just shows I need to be more careful with a knife, I cut my thumb!  Once I finally got my thumb to stop bleeding I sat down and enjoyed my apple.

Mike finally got home around 5:00pm and we got the tanks drained.  He also helped me get a bandage on my thumb since I kept banging it and getting to bleed again.  :)  The sun even came out.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Tuesday, November 4, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

This evening we went into town to go to the grocery.  We decided we would give IGA a try, but before going to grocery we stopped by the Chick-Fil-A Express at Campbellsville University.  Once again it seemed unusual to be eating on campus.  :)

We have bought pork at the Kroger's here in town twice now.  The first time it was boneless pork chops, then we bought bone-in pork chops.  Neither time did they taste right.  I looked at the package for the bone in pork chops and it listed Pork, water, salt and natural ingredients.  Hmmm.  I know processed meats like ham have water added, but we did not think pork chops should have water added.  We did not buy any pork, but I did look for ingredients.  Just pork!  :)  We will be giving the pork at IGA a try.

It was another wonderful day!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Hair Cut

Monday, November 3, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

I have been wanting to get my hair cut for several weeks now.  So today I decided it was time to get it done.  I ran into town to and went to Fantastic Sams.  They take walk-ins only.  There were only 3 people ahead of me, so the wait time was not real bad.  The hair cut is not bad, but...  :) 

This afternoon we once again got a new neighbor.  And the clock is ticking to see how long they stay.  It seems like the last couple of neighbors have all moved out.  The site next to us is a little unlevel and no one seems to like it. 

After Mike got home from work we headed into town to pick up a new hair clipper.  We went to cut his hair last night and the blade on the hair clippers was not operating.  After dinner we did get his hair cut.  No pictures.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Campbellsville University

Sunday, November 2, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning we went to Our Lady of Perpetual Help to the 10:00am Mass.  We still have not gotten up early enough on a Sunday morning to go to Our Lady of Fatima.  The 7:45am Mass is at Our Lady of Fatima, we like sleeping in just a little.  :)

After Mass, based on the recommendation of a couple of our neighbors here at the campground, we went to Winter Hall, the dining hall at Campbellsville University.  As we walked in Mike said "It has been a long time since I have eaten at a school dining hall."  :)  It is all you can eat buffet and it was on $8.25 per person.  The food was really good and there was a lot to choose from. We will be going back for other meals.  :)

When we got back we talked about going to the Corvette Museum, but it was getting late and it is about 1.5 hour drive to Bowling Green, so we decided we will go next weekend.  That is as long as the weather is not nice.  I still want to go for a motorcycle ride and follow the "Barn Quilt" trail in Green County, KY. 

Mike fixed the turn signal on his motorcycle and I did the laundry.  It was a very nice relaxing day.  We ate dinner.  Shortly there after Mike called it a night early.  He will be working 6 10 hour days next week. 

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Hike and Cold Weather

Saturday, November 1, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Yesterday Mike did end up riding his bike to work.  I was really surprised since it was raining and cold when we left and it was raining and cold when he came home.  This morning he thought it was supposed to rain this afternoon, so he decided not to ride???  :)

This morning Gracie and I went on another trail over in the State Park.  It was a nice trail, but with the rain we had yesterday it was very muddy in spots.  When we got to the first muddy spot I was trying to decide if we could get around it, when I looked up and saw a doe standing in the middle of the trail ahead of us.  It is hard to see her in the picture, but she is there, about the center of the picture.  :)  Gracie is looking right at her.

This evening Mike and I ran into town to pick up some pipe insulation.  It is supposed to get down to 26 tonight and we don't want our fresh water hose freezing. 

It was another wonderful day!

Hose Problem

Thursday, October 30, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Yesterday was nothing exciting.  Mike has been riding his dirt bike to work the last couple of days, which shouldn't surprise me, but it has been cold out the couple of days.  Tomorrow it is supposed to rain, so I don't think he will ride tomorrow.  :)

This evening it was time to dump the gray and black water tanks, well that did not goes as planned!  Mike always opens the black water tank first and some how the sewer hose cracked and when he opened up the valve it made a mess.  He quickly closed the valve, but there was still a mess on the ground!  He came into the trailer very mad!  He put bleach on the sewage that spilled out to keep the smell down.  After dinner we headed into town to go to Wal-Mart to pick up another sewer hose.

When we got back, Mike replaced the one hose that had cracked and started dumping the tanks again.  Well he started smelling sewage again, just to find out that the second hose had several small cracks in it.  These cracks were small enough that only liquid was getting out, but it still smelled.  :)  He finally got the tanks dumped and the mess cleaned up as well as he could clean it.

I took all of his clothes, including his shoes, and threw them all in the washing machine.  :)  Our really good sewer hose was too short to reach the sewer hook-up, so we had to use the cheap one.  Well, Mike finally ordered another length of the good sewer hose.  :)  Hopefully it will arrive before we have to dump the tanks again.

It was another wonderful day!