Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 27, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

For the last couple of years we have driven to Norfolk to spend Thanksgiving with Jess and her family.  Since Mike is working at Amazon he did not have the day off, so we stayed home for Thanksgiving.  With the weather being bad on the east coast I am thankful we were staying home this year.

The day started the same as any other week day, I got up, worked on the computer, took a shower and took Gracie for a walk.  After her walk I cleaned our home, then sat down and played on the computer.  Around 1:00pm I took Gracie for another walk, then put the Honey Baked ham in the oven to warm it up.  Mike arrived home around 2:00pm.  Shortly after he arrived home we walked up to Richard and Marcella's to see what time we would be eating.  Marcella said the food would be ready around 4:00pm.

Around 4:00pm we headed up to the camp store to meet for dinner.  We had turkey, ham, green beans, squash, and mashed potatoes.  Dinner was great, conversation was great with Richard and Marcella and Bruce and Margret.  We finally had dessert of pumpkin pie and apple/cranberry pie.  Then everyone was tired and tomorrow is another work day, so we called it a night around 7:30pm.

James ended up joining us for a while for some conversation, but he was too full for any dinner.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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