Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Frozen Pipe

Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Mike got a call last night from Amazon letting him know that the mandatory overtime had been cancelled, so he took the opportunity to sleep in today.  Once he got up he turned on the faucet to check to see if we had water, since it got so cold last night.  Bad news, the water line is frozen somewhere between here and there!  So he got dressed and headed outside to figure it out.  The thermometer said it was only 19 outside.  Brrr.  While he was working on getting the water flowing again I took Gracie for our morning walk.  It was really cold!

When Gracie and I got back from our walk, Mike had the water flowing again.  It was frozen right at the top of the faucet head.  Mike fired up the torch to melt the in the faucet.  Then he put his flannel shirt on the pipe to break the wind.  :)  Under the green tarp is a blanket that is covering the water filter and water softener.

This afternoon we decided to get our laundry done.  Normally we put the laundry in the washer and come back home, 30 minutes later head back to move the laundry to the dryer.  Well I think everyone in the park decided to do laundry today.  We ended up staying there the entire time our laundry was washing and drying chit chatting with our neighbors.  :)

This evening we ran into town to find and go to the Campbellsville public library.  For our first time to check out books we were only allowed to pick 2, so we both checked out a book.  Once we left the library we headed over to Fiesta Mexican Restaurant for dinner.  It was a very nice dinner.  I think it was better than Gracia's.  Then we found out Tuesday nights is their discount dinner night, so we got a 15% discount on our dinner.  That was nice surprise.  :)  After dinner we headed to Kroger's to pick up this weeks groceries.

It was another wonderful day!

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