Saturday, November 1, 2014

Hike and Cold Weather

Saturday, November 1, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Yesterday Mike did end up riding his bike to work.  I was really surprised since it was raining and cold when we left and it was raining and cold when he came home.  This morning he thought it was supposed to rain this afternoon, so he decided not to ride???  :)

This morning Gracie and I went on another trail over in the State Park.  It was a nice trail, but with the rain we had yesterday it was very muddy in spots.  When we got to the first muddy spot I was trying to decide if we could get around it, when I looked up and saw a doe standing in the middle of the trail ahead of us.  It is hard to see her in the picture, but she is there, about the center of the picture.  :)  Gracie is looking right at her.

This evening Mike and I ran into town to pick up some pipe insulation.  It is supposed to get down to 26 tonight and we don't want our fresh water hose freezing. 

It was another wonderful day!

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