Friday, November 7, 2014

Full Gray Tank

Wednesday, November 5, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

 Before Mike left for work this morning he told me that the gray tank was full.  Well the indicator always shows full well before it is actually full and that is where I figured it was at...  I went ahead and took a shower and during my shower the gray tank filled up.  I still had to rinse out my hair, so after my shower the gray tank was 101% full!  Oh no!  Well I thought I would just go out and drain the tanks, but last week we had to buy a new hose.  It came in 2 sections and Mike only used 1 section and left the second section in the Suburban.  When he was done emptying the tank last week he throw away the old second section.  When I went to look for the second section I remembered it was in the Suburban and the Suburban was with Mike at Amazon!  Oh no!  Guess I would have to wait until he got home from work, which meant I would not be using any water today!

Gracie and I went for our morning walk, in the rain.  It was a nice walk, but very wet.  When we got back I went to put the umbrella in the garage when I stepped in some water coming out from under the kitchen sink!  I thought "this is bad, very bad"!  Turned out part of the studor vent connection under the sink was not tight and it was leaking the water from the shower, which was at a higher elevation than the studor vent pipe.  Well I got that mess cleaned up, then I took a cup and bucket and got as much water out of the shower as I could.  I kept an eye on the pipe under the sink the rest of the day to make sure it was not going to make any more of a mess.

At lunch time I decided I would cut up an apple to eat.  My kids have never trusted me with a knife.  :)  I have cut myself several times of the years with a knife.  I have even managed to cut myself with a butter knife.  Well today is another day that just shows I need to be more careful with a knife, I cut my thumb!  Once I finally got my thumb to stop bleeding I sat down and enjoyed my apple.

Mike finally got home around 5:00pm and we got the tanks drained.  He also helped me get a bandage on my thumb since I kept banging it and getting to bleed again.  :)  The sun even came out.

It was another wonderful day!

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