Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Last Day at Amazon

Saturday, December 19, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

Today was Mike's last day for 2015 of working for Amazon.  Originally planned was to go down to Dale and Jan's site for our last fire, but the temperature was much to cold and Dale and Jan wanted to get up early to get on the road.  They wanted to be able to make it all the way home tomorrow.  We did walk down there to say "Good-bye".  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Farewell Party

Friday, December 18, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

Tonight we had a farewell party up at the campground office.  We placed a notice a couple of weeks ago in the laundry room to let everyone know we were having a carry-in dinner tonight.  About 30 people showed up.  We had a better turn out tonight then we did for Thanksgiving.  As we left we said we should have done it more often, but it was a lot of fun. 

Deanna had written up Christmas characters, then placed them on each persons back as they came in.  Then you had to go around the room and get clues as to who you had.  It was a really nice ice breaker.  :)

After dinner Deanna had typed up some Christmas songs and we all sang together.  It was very enjoyable.  :)

After we got things all cleaned up and we were walking out Dale's phone rang and it was Amazon to let us know that K shift is done Saturday at 4:00pm!!!!  We had not heard yet, so we thought we would be here until Wednesday the 23rd.  So tomorrow night we will have our last fire down at Dale and Jan's, then we will start heading in our different directions.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Another Nice Day

Sunday, December 13, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

Before heading for church I took Gracie for a walk.  For a couple of weeks now I have been seeing a white squirrel, so I decided I would try to get a picture of him.  I finally got a couple of him!  :)  I did not want to walk up into these people yard to get pictures, but at least I have a couple of pictures of him!

Next week I am going to carry my good camera to see if I can get a better picture of him.  :)

After Mass we went to Huddle House for breakfast. The University is closed for Christmas break.  :)

This afternoon we spent the day starting to get things organized for our move.  In January we will be heading for Citra, FL.  For Christmas and New Years we will be in Indiana and Norfolk before heading for Florida.  We got the big motorcycle in the trailer, filled up the truck with fuel and started putting things away.

The sun did not come out, but the temperature was very nice.  This evening the wind started blowing and it started cooling down.

It was another wonderful day!

Nice Day

Saturday, December 12, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning I got up early and headed for the laundromat.  Our big comforter will not fit in the washing machines here at the campground, so I went to the laundromat in town.  They not only have big washing machines, they also have really big dryers.  I was glad I went there early, by the time I left the laundromat it was very busy.  I ran by Wal-Mart to pick up some Christmas wrapping paper. 

When I got back I put the laundry away, walked the dogs and had some breakfast.  I then got busy wrapping all of the present we have gotten so far.  :)  It is nice to have that done.

It was very nice to be able to have the door open all day!  The temperature was supposed to reach 68 degrees.  I am not sure if it did, but I am sure it was close.

This evening we went down to Jan and Dale's for the campfire.  Tonight Bill and Sandy came.  We had a really nice time.

It was another wonderful day!

Back to Campbellsville

Sunday, December 6, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning we went to 10:00am Mass, then we met Uncle John, Aunt Martha and Aunt Patty at Don Hall's Castleton Grill.  It was a nice breakfast.  When we got back to Mom and Dad's, Mom wanted to make a dessert for a card party she will be going to tonight.  The dough is very hard to stir, so I helped her out.  Then the filling was hard to stir, so I helped her out.  She said next time she was going to make she would be calling me.  :)

Shortly after we had the dessert all stirred up Gracie and I headed back to Campbellsville.

It was another wonderful day!

Dad's Birthday Party

Saturday, December 5, 2015 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning I got up and headed for Indianapolis.  I arrived at about 1:00pm, a little later than I planned.  I ran into traffic in Louisville.  They had the new I-65 bridge open to foot traffic, which caused a gaper's block on the old I-65 bridge! 

Mom fixed lunch for us when I arrived.  It was really nice.  :)  Around 5:00pm we headed over to Sue and John's to celebrate Dad's 86th birthday!

It was another wonderful day!

Beautiful Afternoon

Thursday, December 3, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

It was such a beautiful day and Amazon changed the schedule, so Mike only worked til noon today! 

Around 2:00pm Jan dropped by to let us know they would be having a fire at 3:00pm!  They decided it was such a beautiful day we needed to be outside enjoying it.  I had no problem getting my 8 hours in before 3:00pm, but Mike did not have the laundry done.  I popped some Kettle Korn and we headed down to Dale and Jan's site.

I finally remembered to take my phone with me, so I could take a picture.  :) 

I did run up and get the laundry out of the dryer.  :)  When I got back I noticed the sunset was beautiful!  I wanted to take a picture of it, but my phone had died. 

It was another wonderful day!


Tuesday, December 1, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

Happy Birthday Dad!  :)

This morning when walking Gracie we walked under the trees and there were lots and lots of very large birds overhead.  I don't think I have ever seen this many large birds flocking in a tree together. 

It was kind of cool to see them.

It was another wonderful day!

Jess Heads Home

Monday, November 30, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

Today Jess and the kids headed home.  They arrived there safe and sound!

It was another wonderful day!


Sunday, November 29, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

Today was another rainy day.  After Mass and breakfast at Campbellsville University we decided we would take the kids to the bowling alley.  They have never bowled before, but we thought we would give it a try.  They seem to really enjoy it!

The first few frames we had the boys try to roll the ball down the alley by themselves, but that was not working out.  Then we tried the ramp and that seemed to work much better.

We only played 1 game.  Jess cam in first and surprisingly I came in second.  Alex got a 61 and Avander got 50.  We let the boys take turns playing a second game.
They did better on the first game.  :)  After bowling we stopped by Daddy Yo's for some ice cream. 
When we got back Papa and Ami were very tired.
After Papa got up it was time to play with the boys again.
It was another wonderful day!

Rainy Day

Saturday, November 28, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

Uncle Tony spent the morning playing with the boys.  Poor Ami was not feeling well, so she was not in much of a playful mood.  Shortly after lunch Tony and Miranda needed to head out.  Tony needed to be back to Kansas by Monday morning and he still needed to drive back to Northern Indiana to drop off Miranda.

It was rainy all day and Ami was not feeling good, so we just stuck around the trailer and did not do much.

It was another wonderful day!

Thanksgiving Again

Friday, November 27, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

Tony and Miranda arrived this afternoon!  Once they arrived the boys wanted Uncle Tony to take them over to the playground!

Then we decided to take a walk over to the corn maze, or at least what is left of the corn maze.  :)

Once we got back from playing we started cooking our Thanksgiving dinner.  Mike finally arrived home around 5:30pm and we finished up our cooking and sat down and enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinner together.  We have a lot to be thankful for and we were happy to be together!  :)

It was another wonderful day!