Sunday, December 13, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 25, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

We were thinking Jess and the kids would arrive around noon, so I thought I had time to get up and get a couple of things done.  She left last night after work and planned to drive til she got tired, then she was going to stop for a couple of hours to sleep.  Well that is what she did, but her sleep time was a lot shorter than what I thought it would be.  She arrived safe and sound around 6:00am.  :)  

Jess took a nap for a couple of hours while I played with the kids.  When she got up we had lunch, then headed over to the playground.

Mike only had to work til noon today, so when he got home he took the kids over to playground again.  :)  They had a great time.  Then it was time for us to get our food ready for the potluck Thanksgiving dinner tonight.  We also set up the tables and chairs at the campground store.  :)

Around 5:00pm everyone started showing up.  We had a little bit of social time.  As an ice breaker Deanna placed a famous name on everyone's back and we had to go around the room to get clues as to who it was.  :)  It was fun.   Then it was time to sit down and enjoy our dinner.

Jess did a good job of taking pictures.

It was another wonderful day!

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