Friday, December 11, 2015

Happy Halloween

Saturday, October 31, 2015 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning we took our time getting ready, then we finally got on the road and headed for Indianapolis.  On our way we saw a sign for a Quilt shop, so we decided to stop to see if they had a quilt we would want to buy.  They mostly had quilted hand bags.  They had a couple of nice quilts, but nothing we wanted to buy. 

We made to Indianapolis around 2:00pm.  Mom, Dad, Mike and I played a couple of games of Qwirkle.  It is a game you can get addicted to.  :)  Then around 4:30pm we headed for Patsy's to have dinner.  She made Chilli, it was very good.  Caroline had her Mickey Mouse ears on for Halloween.

While Kim was dressed with her cat ears.

After a wonderful dinner and some great conversation we headed for George and Mary Ann's house.  There were lots of our friends there.  But unfortunately I did not take any pictures.  I try to be so good about it, but sometimes I still forget.  :)  We had a great time!

It was another wonderful day!

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