Sunday, September 3, 2017

Travel to Amado

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Mike and I were up very early this morning to catch the shuttle bus in Bremerton to the airport.  We said our "Good-bye"'s and Mike J took us to the hotel where the shuttle bus pick is.  When we got there we talked to the lady at counter and she let us know if we did not have reservations we probably would not be able to get on the shuttle.  We called the shuttle office and sure enough the shuttle is full and we can't get on.  So we scheduled an Uber.  This is our first experience with an Uber driver.  The driver arrived quickly and told us that we should be able to make it to the ferry, which is free to ride to Seattle.  From there we can catch another Uber to the airport.  This was going to be cheaper and short time if she can make it.

We made with little time to spare.  The Uber driver was great and the ferry ride was nice.  We appreciated her letting us know we could save money.

When we got to Seattle we used the app to schedule yet another Uber.  This drive was also great and we finally made it to the airport.  Our flight was uneventful!  And we made it home safe and sound.

It was another wonderful day!

Lava Canyon

Monday, August 14, 2017 - Silverdale, WA

Mike J arrived this early morning and after a quick breakfast over the fire, Mike J, Mike, the boys and Ami went fishing.  While me, Jess, Tony and Miranda packed up the campsite.  Mike and company were done fishing about the same time we were done packing.  We met up at the gas station just done the road from the campground.  :)  Then we headed for the Lava Canyon.

The Lava Canyon was just awesome!

At the half way point in the trail there was a swinging bridge.  I wanted to take a picture of everyone at the half way point on the bridge, but there were several of us that did not like the bridge and I was one of them.  :)  I was able to get a couple of pictures.

After I steadied myself I bravely stopped in the middle of the bridge and took this picture.  I had to think about it long and hard, but I did it!!!  :)
Of course after I took the picture and my phone was safely back in my pocket, my husband and son just had to shack the bridge and scare me but good!

We got this this overlook and I got a couple of great pictures of Jess and Mike J.

This first picture I was getting ready to change from portrait to landscape when I hit the shutter button.  :)

This is what view was from the overlook spot.  Awesome!
 After our hike it was time to enjoy some watermelon!

In the parking was this little guy.  I think too many people have been feeding the wildlife.
After we left Lava Canyon we did get to see Mt. St. Helen!  :)  Of course we had to stop and get pictures.

 Ape Cave was on the way back from Lava Canyon and since Mike J was not here we made another run at the cave.  :)  This time Mike, Jess, Ami, Miranda and I went down the lower cave.  While Mike J, Tony, Alex and Avander went on the upper cave trail.  Mike's ankle was feeling better, but he did not feel it was up to the upper cave yet.  :)

This time we got everyone to stop and take a picture.  Mike took the picture, that must be why.  :)

I think if we had gone the lower cave first we would not have returned.  It is more like a regular in the dark.  No scrambling over rocks or climbing up dried up water falls. :)  I did take a few pictures.  It is dark!

Eventually it was time to head for Portland, OR to drop Tony and Miranda off at the airport.  I can't believe the weekend this wonderful weekend is over!  Before we dropped them off we went out to dinner at Billygan's Roadhouse.  The food was ok, but the company was great!

After dinner Mike, Mike J and the kids said their "Good-Bye"'s to Tony and Miranda.  They headed north for Jess's place, while Jess and I took Tony and Miranda to the airport.  I really hated dropping them off several hours before their flight, but we still had to drive back to Silverdale tonight.  Mike and I will be flying out in the morning.

It was another wonderful day!

Windy Ridge

Sunday, August 13, 2017 - Cougar, WA

It rained most of the night and into the morning. We went to Lone Fir Resort for breakfast.

After breakfast the rain had stopped and we headed for Windy Ridge.  We were hoping to hike the base of the mountain.  Of course I had to get our sign picture.
We made it as far as the Bear Meadow parking lot.  The road was closed due to damage from the harsh winter. 

The park ranger let us know we could walk down the road and get to Blast Edge overlook.  So off we went.
I took several pictures of the beautiful wildflowers we saw along our walk.

We heard water flowing and of course we had to go check it out.  :)

And there was a hill to climb, so the kids climbed it.  :)

The rocks they were climbing on weighed next to nothing.  
The view were awesome!

After about 2 mile walk we made it to the Blast Edge.  I took a picture of the sign.  Mt. St. Helen is behind the clouds.

Here were a couple of the signs at the overlook.

The sights were just stunning.

This tree was just begging me to take a picture of it.  :)
The area has recovered a lot in the last 30 years, but it was amazing. 

Once again tonight we had hot dogs, beans and s'mores.  :) 

It was another wonderful day!