Sunday, March 29, 2020

Travel to Alpine

Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Alpine, TX

We were all up early this morning and at the airport on time.  We gave Mom and Dad our hugs good-bye, then I hugged everyone else since I was going to a different terminal.  Both of my flights were uneventful, which is what I like.  :)

Mike picked me up at the airport in El Paso, then we ate dinner at Taco Cabana.  It was as good as I remembered it.  :)

We arrived home safe and sound.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Rum Runner

Tuesday, February 28, 2020 - Fort Myers, FL

Today is our last full day in Florida.  In the morning, we will need to get up very early and be to the airport by 6:30AM.  Patsy, Rick, Sue, John, and Kim leave about 5 minutes after me, but they will get home long before me.  :)

One of our favorite places to eat is Rum Runner, so that is where we went for lunch today.
It is right on the canal and sometimes we see manatees, but not today.
It was another wonderful day!

Nauti Mermaid

Monday, February 17, 2020 - Fort Myers, FL

Today we decided to try a new place.  For lunch we headed to Nauti Mermaid Dockside Bar & Grill.  It is just down the way from Pinchers.
They first seated us inside, since there weren't any available tables outside.
But the air conditioning was very cold and Mom and Dad were uncomfortable.  We noticed a group getting up at table, so we asked the waitress if we could move.  She said once the table was cleaned. So then we were able to finish our meal outside.
The food was good, but I don't think this is a place we will go back to.

It was another wonderful day!

Ford's Garage

Sunday, February 16, 2020 - Fort Myers, FL

Once again we played in the pool for a little while.  Then we all got ready and headed for Ford's Garage for dinner.
Dinner was very good.

It was another wonderful day!


Saturday, February 15, 2020 - Fort Myers, FL

Mom was feeling better today.  Today we went out to eat at Pinchers.
As usual, the food was very good.

This afternoon we played in the pool for a while.  We had a really nice time.

It was another wonderful day!

Yucatan Bar & Grill

Friday, February 14, 2020 - Fort Myers, FL

Happy Valentine's Day!

Mike and I normally eat dinner in on Valentine's Day because of the crowds.  :)  This year we won't be together, but we did go out on Tuesday before I left as an early Valentine's Day.

Sue and John arrived today.  After they got in and got settled we went out to eat, but Mom was not feeling well, so she did not go with us.  We went to Yucatan Waterfront Bar & Grill on Pine Island.  There wasn't any outside seating available, but all of the doors were open and it was as if we were outside.
 As it turned out there were a few people that wanted to move in because their tables were in the sun.  While we were waiting for our food we went out by the waterfront to check out the fish.  The fish were jumping and Kim was really enjoying it.  Then I took this great picture of Patsy, Sue, and Kim.
The food and atmosphere were very good.

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner Party

Thursday, February 13, 2020 - Fort Myers, FL

This evening Jeff and Mary, Valerie and Skip, Uncle Richard, Sharon and Jen were planning to come over this evening so Patsy and I ran to the grocery store this morning to pick up a few things.  When we got back, we started cooking some of the food.  Once things were ready, we hopped in the pool for a quick dip.  :)

I did take a couple of pictures of the canal out behind Mom and Dad's place.

Everyone started arriving around 5PM.  We had a wonderful dinner and it was nice to meet Valerie's friend Skip.  After dinner Valerie brought in some paintings that Uncle Mike did and she gave them to us.  I never knew he was such an artist.  I took a picture of this one.
She said it was one of the more recent ones he did, since he signed it Michael Lee.  The ones he did when he was younger were signed Mike Lee.  :)

Before everyone left we took a couple of group pictures.  :)

We had a really nice time.

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Fort Myers

Wednesday, February 12, 2020 - Fort Myers, FL

I had an early morning flight from El Paso to Ft. Myers, but it was a smooth flight.
I arrived in Fort Myers safe and sound.  Dad, Mom, Patsy, and Rick picked me up and we headed for Miller's Ale House for lunch.
The weather was beautiful, the food was good, and we had a great time.

It was another wonderful day!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Travel to El Paso

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - El Paso, TX

I will be flying to Florida tomorrow and I fly out of El Paso.  Originally we were planning on heading for El Paso later in the afternoon, but it was snowing today, so we left the trailer around 2PM.
Once we arrived in El Paso we drove by our old house and I took at picture.  It still looks the same.
While I was taking a picture someone pulled up behind us to pull into the driveway.  :)

On the way to the hotel the snow started really coming down and the flakes were very large.

For dinner we decided to eat at the Great American Steakburger.  It was on Yarbrough Drive, not very far from where we used to live and the food was just the way it was back then.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

Big Bend Ranch State Park

Saturday, February 8, 2020 - Alpine, TX

We drove down to Big Bend Ranch State Park. On the way we saw remnants of mining in the Terlingua area.
And we came across this sign.  Quicksilver is what they called Mercury.
The state park is approximately 100 miles away.  Eventually we arrived.
While at the visitors center, the park ranger stated that as long as we stayed on State Road 170 we did not have to pay the entrance fee.  Well we were planning on having a picnic lunch there, but he did tell us there was a rest stop that was part of the DOT, so we could eat there without paying the entrance fee.  So that is where we headed.  On the way there I just had to take this picture.
We finally arrived at the rest stop.  And we were ready to have our lunch.  :)

Right behind the teepees was the Rio Grande river with Mexico on the other side of the river.  But there was no easy way to get down to it.

After lunch we continued our drive down State Road 170 and came by a parking area, so we stopped and took a few pictures.

In these pictures you can see the Rio Grande.

Mike and I took a couple of selfies.  They turned out ok.  :)

We drove a little further and came across a boat ramp, so we let Gracie play in the Rio Grande River for little bit.  :)

Then we drove the rest of the loop and made our way home.  It was a very nice drive.

After dinner we went to the Marfa Lights Viewing Center to see if we could see any lights.  It was very cool, so we did not stay real late.  We did not see any lights, but I did take a couple of pictures.

We will come back in hopes of seeing the lights.

We had a wonderful day!

More Snow!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020 - Alpine, TX

The snow was really coming down today!
For Gracie's lunch time walk I took a couple of picture of the snow.  :)

Gracie was really enjoying it!
There were several people in the park that were just amazed by the snow.  And those that were planning on leaving today, most decided to stay one more day.

It was another wonderful day!

Fort Davis State Park

Saturday, February 1, 2020 - Alpine, TX

Today we drove back up to Fort Davis and we went to the Fort Davis State Park.  When we got there we drove up to the scenic overlook.  We then hiked the Skyline Drive Trail.

Once we got to another scenic overlook we met up with a younger couple that was there for the weekend celebrating their anniversary.  After talking with them for a short time, we took turns taking pictures of each other.

We continued on with our hike and I took a picture of the Indian Lodge off in the distance.
There is a restaurant at the Indian Lodge called Black Bear Restaurant.

We continued with our hike and it was very nice.

After the hike we drove down to the Indian Lodge and were planning on having a late lunch at the Black Bear Restaurant, but it closes at 2pm and it was almost 3pm.  :(  We will come back on a later date to eat here.  :)

Since we weren't able to eat lunch we went on another hike.
We did not go very far because I was really hungry.  :)

We went home and had dinner.  After dinner we were walking around the RV park and I just had to take a picture of the sunset.
It was another wonderful day!