Sunday, March 29, 2020

Dinner Party

Thursday, February 13, 2020 - Fort Myers, FL

This evening Jeff and Mary, Valerie and Skip, Uncle Richard, Sharon and Jen were planning to come over this evening so Patsy and I ran to the grocery store this morning to pick up a few things.  When we got back, we started cooking some of the food.  Once things were ready, we hopped in the pool for a quick dip.  :)

I did take a couple of pictures of the canal out behind Mom and Dad's place.

Everyone started arriving around 5PM.  We had a wonderful dinner and it was nice to meet Valerie's friend Skip.  After dinner Valerie brought in some paintings that Uncle Mike did and she gave them to us.  I never knew he was such an artist.  I took a picture of this one.
She said it was one of the more recent ones he did, since he signed it Michael Lee.  The ones he did when he was younger were signed Mike Lee.  :)

Before everyone left we took a couple of group pictures.  :)

We had a really nice time.

It was another wonderful day!

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