Thursday, March 26, 2020

Big Bend Ranch State Park

Saturday, February 8, 2020 - Alpine, TX

We drove down to Big Bend Ranch State Park. On the way we saw remnants of mining in the Terlingua area.
And we came across this sign.  Quicksilver is what they called Mercury.
The state park is approximately 100 miles away.  Eventually we arrived.
While at the visitors center, the park ranger stated that as long as we stayed on State Road 170 we did not have to pay the entrance fee.  Well we were planning on having a picnic lunch there, but he did tell us there was a rest stop that was part of the DOT, so we could eat there without paying the entrance fee.  So that is where we headed.  On the way there I just had to take this picture.
We finally arrived at the rest stop.  And we were ready to have our lunch.  :)

Right behind the teepees was the Rio Grande river with Mexico on the other side of the river.  But there was no easy way to get down to it.

After lunch we continued our drive down State Road 170 and came by a parking area, so we stopped and took a few pictures.

In these pictures you can see the Rio Grande.

Mike and I took a couple of selfies.  They turned out ok.  :)

We drove a little further and came across a boat ramp, so we let Gracie play in the Rio Grande River for little bit.  :)

Then we drove the rest of the loop and made our way home.  It was a very nice drive.

After dinner we went to the Marfa Lights Viewing Center to see if we could see any lights.  It was very cool, so we did not stay real late.  We did not see any lights, but I did take a couple of pictures.

We will come back in hopes of seeing the lights.

We had a wonderful day!

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