Thursday, March 26, 2020

Travel to El Paso

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - El Paso, TX

I will be flying to Florida tomorrow and I fly out of El Paso.  Originally we were planning on heading for El Paso later in the afternoon, but it was snowing today, so we left the trailer around 2PM.
Once we arrived in El Paso we drove by our old house and I took at picture.  It still looks the same.
While I was taking a picture someone pulled up behind us to pull into the driveway.  :)

On the way to the hotel the snow started really coming down and the flakes were very large.

For dinner we decided to eat at the Great American Steakburger.  It was on Yarbrough Drive, not very far from where we used to live and the food was just the way it was back then.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

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