Friday, February 26, 2016

Lunch at Ale House

Monday, February 15, 2016 - Fort Myers, FL

I worked this morning.  Before going to lunch Mike, Patsy and I went for a bicycle ride.  The tornado that hit Fort Myers a couple of weeks ago, hit the homes that are less than a block from here.  Lots of roofs with blue traps on them.  I vaguely remember hearing about it.  It was while Mike was in Virginia.  We got some rain and wind in Citra, but that was about it.

Once we got back and everyone was ready to go we decided we would go out to lunch over by the airport.  Patsy had forgot to get Rick's walker, so we needed to pick it up at the airport.  :)  We ate at Ale House.  We all had a very good meal.  This is a place my dad really likes.  :)

We sat down and played Samba when we got back.  It was the girls versus the guys.  We played 3 rounds and the girls could not get any good cards during the first game, so the guys won.  The girls won the second game, then the guys won the third.

It was another wonderful day

Travel to Fort Myers

Sunday, February 14, 2016 - Fort Myers, FL

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Just before Mass this morning I found out that Uncle Paul passed away today.  :(

I looked through all of my pictures, I thought I had a picture of My dad, Uncle Paul and Aunt Martha from a couple of years ago.  I can't find it and I even looked on Facebook under some of my relatives.  I did find this one, which is from 1953 of My grandpa Kirkhoff, Dad and Uncle Paul.

Uncle Paul you will be missed!

It was expected, but I still struggled with it.  Mass this morning was very long, 1.5 hours.  After mass we headed back to the trailer, changed our clothes and headed for Fort Myers.  It was not a bad drive.  Approximately 3.5 hours.  We arrived at mom and dad's around 4:30pm.  Jeff and Mary, Uncle Mike and Valerie, Bonnie and Dean, and Patsy and Rick were also here.

Once we arrived they fixed hamburgers, hot dogs and brats out on the grill.  We ate dinner, then played Euchre.  We had a really nice time.  Mike came in first and won $30.  He is really doing good at winning lately.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Internet Problems

Saturday, February 13, 2016 - Citra, FL

Well this week the internet has been down more than it has been up.  I have called Sun Wifi at least once a day this week to see if I can get them to fix it. It is up and down still today, but mostly up.  :)

Monday we went to play euchre.  Mike came in second, he won $15!  The prize money is based on the number of people playing.  We both started out very good with a 14 point round.  Then I went down hill fast.  :)  We had a really nice time.

Mike has gone out golfing a couple of times this week.  It has been very windy all week, but I am not sure he is using that as an excuse for playing badly.  :)

Last night we went up to the main hall and played bingo!  Neither one of won.  Elise won the first game after 5 numbers.  That is the quickest I think I have seen anyone win a game. 

We are headed for Fort Myers to spend a week with my Mom and Dad, so today we took Gracie to The Animal Clinic today.  She knew something was up as soon as we got there.  She kept pulling toward the door.  :(

Jan and I did go for a usual 11:30am walk.  Today's walk was longer then during the week, but I had more time, but we did miss having Gracie with us.

Once I got back home Mike had raked our leaves and cleaned the leaves and acorns off the truck.  Soon we headed for Ocala to get the oil changed on the Suburban.  This evening we had leftovers for dinner.  We wanted to clean out the frig since we will be gone next week.

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Cedar Key

Saturday, February 6, 2016 - Citra, FL

This morning we slept in!  It is supposed to rain this afternoon, so around 11:30am we decided we would drive over to Cedar Key, FL and have lunch at restaurant over on the gulf.  :)

We arrived around 1:00pm and stopped at Carlin's Waterfront Steak House.
I had a grouper sandwich and Mike had the fish and chips.  His piece of fish was huge!

We had a wonderful view of the gulf also, even though it was hazy outside.
Once we left the restaurant the rain started, so we had to hustle back to the car.  Since it was raining we decided to drive around to see what we could find.  We ended up at the Cedar Key Museum State Park.  Here we found out that John Muir walked from Indiana to Cedar Key, FL in 7 weeks.  This is the same person that Muir Woods National Monument is named after.  A lot of the items in the museum were from St. Clair Whitman's collection.  His house is also on the property.
We did walk the short nature trail even though it was raining.  :)
We finally started heading back, but not before stopping by Cedar Key Scrub State Reserve.  I was still raining, so we did not walk any of the trails, but I would like to come back before we leave the area and walk a couple of the trails.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Thursday, February 4, 2016 - Citra, FL

Mike was going to play in a golf scramble this afternoon, but after 4 holes it started raining.  It rained the rest of the day.  Mike still was not feeling well, so he just rested the rest of the day.

Since something else is going on at the Main Hall tomorrow night, they have scheduled bingo for tonight.  With the night change or maybe the rain or maybe a little bit of both there were not very many people that showed up.  Mike was not feeling up to coming either.  I thought this would give me a better chance to win...  :)  Of the 11 games they play, there a couple of games that are winner's choice and a couple that are caller's choice.  Well the caller's choice game is called the losers game.  Everyone stands up and if the number the caller calls is on one of you cards you sit down.  The last one standing is the winner.  Well the last 2 standing were me and Karen.  The last number called was B-1.  I looked at my card and it had a 1 on it, then I looked over at her card, shook her hand said "Well you are the winner!"  :)  I did not win any games tonight.

It was another wonderful day!

Mike Home

Wednesday, February 3, 2016 - Citra, FL

At about noon I headed up to Gainesville to pick Mike up.  :)  He was finally home!  He was not feeling good, so as soon as we got back home he laid down to take a nap.  While he was gone him and Jess were very busy finishing up the remodeling at Jess and Mike's place.  While Mike was gone Jess was sending me pictures of the progress they were making.  Things are looking good!



 It was another wonderful day!

Won at Euchre

Monday, February 1, 2016 - Citra, FL

This evening Jan and I headed up to the VIP Hall to play Euchre.  I was having a really good night and ended up with 65 points.  That was enough to come in 1st place.  :)  I won $15.00.

It was another wonderful day!

Mom & Dad Visit

Saturday, January 30, 2016 - Citra, FL

Last night I headed for the Main Hall to play bingo.  I didn't win, but had a good time.  :)

The weather today was beautiful!  Jan and Elise stopped by around noon and we headed up to the pool.  The pool is heated and the temperature was 85.  We spent about 1.5 hours swimming, then we sat at the poolside and just chatted.  My Mom called at about 1:30pm to let me know they were about an hour out. Shortly after they called I headed back to get ready for them to arrive.  :)

Mom and Dad arrived around 3:00pm.  Once they arrived we went over to the Eagle's Nest Cafe for a late lunch. 
After a nice lunch we drove around the park.  We stopped by the trailer, so I could follow them down to Ocala to the nearest hotel.  I hung out there for a couple of hours, then headed home.  :)

It was another wonderful day!


Monday, January 25, 2016 - Citra, FL

Yesterday was rainy and cold, so after Mass I just went back home and just relaxed all day.  :)

This evening Jan stopped by and we headed to the VIP Hall to play Euchre.  We had a really nice time, but neither one of us won.  :)

It was another wonderful day!


Saturday, January 23, 2016 - Citra, FL

The weather is cool today and it was supposed to rain this afternoon, so I decided it would be a good day to take a drive down to Ocala.  I stopped by the Verizon store to pick up an SD card.  I am always running out of space when taking pictures and decided I would get more storage.  :)  I am glad I had the guy at store install it, getting the back cover off was not easy. 

Then I headed down the street to see what was there.  :)  I stopped at a super Walmart to pick up a few groceries.  As I drove back to the RV park I drove by the Catholic Church, so I made sure I knew where it was at for tomorrow.  Then I drove up to Citra to check it out.  It is a very poor little town.  About the only thing in the the town is The Orange Shop.

I finally made it back home and just hung out for the rest of the evening.

It was another wonderful day.

Monday, February 1, 2016


Friday, January 22, 2016 - Citra, FL

Wednesday I took Mike to the airport in Gainesville.  He was headed back to Norfolk to help Jess.  Mike J had to go back out to sea, so there was no way she was going to be able to get all they need to get done before the end of February.  He will be very busy!  :)  I will be home alone for a couple of weeks.

It is a good week for him to be gone, I have been very busy with work!

This evenings activity is bingo up at the main hall.  While walking Gracie I have meet several people in the park, so I sat with them.  :)  I won the Texas Cover All game.  This is a game based on the first number drawn you either start by covering all of your odd numbers or even numbers.  I won $38!  :)

It was another wonderful day!