Saturday, February 6, 2016


Thursday, February 4, 2016 - Citra, FL

Mike was going to play in a golf scramble this afternoon, but after 4 holes it started raining.  It rained the rest of the day.  Mike still was not feeling well, so he just rested the rest of the day.

Since something else is going on at the Main Hall tomorrow night, they have scheduled bingo for tonight.  With the night change or maybe the rain or maybe a little bit of both there were not very many people that showed up.  Mike was not feeling up to coming either.  I thought this would give me a better chance to win...  :)  Of the 11 games they play, there a couple of games that are winner's choice and a couple that are caller's choice.  Well the caller's choice game is called the losers game.  Everyone stands up and if the number the caller calls is on one of you cards you sit down.  The last one standing is the winner.  Well the last 2 standing were me and Karen.  The last number called was B-1.  I looked at my card and it had a 1 on it, then I looked over at her card, shook her hand said "Well you are the winner!"  :)  I did not win any games tonight.

It was another wonderful day!

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