Sunday, February 7, 2016

Cedar Key

Saturday, February 6, 2016 - Citra, FL

This morning we slept in!  It is supposed to rain this afternoon, so around 11:30am we decided we would drive over to Cedar Key, FL and have lunch at restaurant over on the gulf.  :)

We arrived around 1:00pm and stopped at Carlin's Waterfront Steak House.
I had a grouper sandwich and Mike had the fish and chips.  His piece of fish was huge!

We had a wonderful view of the gulf also, even though it was hazy outside.
Once we left the restaurant the rain started, so we had to hustle back to the car.  Since it was raining we decided to drive around to see what we could find.  We ended up at the Cedar Key Museum State Park.  Here we found out that John Muir walked from Indiana to Cedar Key, FL in 7 weeks.  This is the same person that Muir Woods National Monument is named after.  A lot of the items in the museum were from St. Clair Whitman's collection.  His house is also on the property.
We did walk the short nature trail even though it was raining.  :)
We finally started heading back, but not before stopping by Cedar Key Scrub State Reserve.  I was still raining, so we did not walk any of the trails, but I would like to come back before we leave the area and walk a couple of the trails.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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