Friday, April 28, 2017

Birthday Party

Saturday, April 1, 2017 - Silverdale, WA

The original plan was to be up and moving early enough for the boys to take skating lessons this morning, but none of us got moving in time.  We did make it just in time for the 10:30am open skate.

Right as we were getting ready to go out on the rink Ami fell and hit her face.  She was not really interested in skating anymore.  We did get her out on the rink for a little bit.  The boys are doing a great job.

 Eventually Ami was done skate, so it was time to get one of the strollers out.  This made her happy.

Next it was Alex's turn to take a hard fall.
But it was Avander that took a turn in the stroller.
They have a race that you go as fast as you can until you come to the start line.  Then you crouch down and coast as far as you can without falling.  Alex gave it try.  He did a pretty good job.

After the race Papa got Ami to go back out on the rink.

Everybody had a good time.

This afternoon we had cake and ice cream.  Mike J worked very hard on the cake.
But before eating we had to sing "Happy Birthday".

It is a rainbow cake and it turned out awesome.

Now it was time to open the presents.

Then the best part of the getting presents and that is playing with the toys.
It was another wonderful day!

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