Friday, April 28, 2017

Trip to the Zoo

Monday, April 3, 2017 - Silverdale, WA

Happy Birthday Alex!

This morning we were up early to catch the ferry over to Seattle. 

When we got to Seattle I wanted to stop the Pike Place Market.  On the way to the market we passed these beautiful trees.
So we walked around looking for something to eat.  We picked something up and found a table to have some lunch.  After we got done eating the kids wanted a picture in front of this statue, which I am glad they did.  I had left my cell phone on the table.  :)
We hopped on the city bus to head to the zoo.  The drive let us know which stop we wanted and one of the passengers let us know how to get from the bus stop to the zoo.  It was about a .5 to .75 mile walk to the zoo.

This a really big zoo and we did not see it all.  The last part I felt like we really hurried our way through it.

I was going to take a picture of this bear and just as I was ready to click the camera he lifted his head and looked at me.  :)  After the picture he laid his head back down.
And saw some more animals.

It was time to head back to the bus stop.  The bus was very crowed and it was standing room only.  Ami stood between Jess and I.  Next thing we realized she was standing there asleep.  :)  Soon enough people got off that I was able to sit with Ami in my lap.  When we got back to downtown Ami woke up enough to walk to the ferry. 

At the market Jess got the kids suckers for the trip back. 

It was so nice out we could see Mt. Rainer.  So I had to take a picture.

On our walk from the dock back to the car I saw these beautiful flowers, so I just had to take pictures of them.

We met Mike J at Toad House for dinner.  Jess ordered the make your own pizza for Alex and Avander.  They bring out all the items for the pizza and you get to put it on yourself, then they take back to the kitchen to be cooked.  The boys really enjoyed doing that.

It was a very long day, but everyone had a great time.

It was another wonderful day!

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