Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Oil Change

Saturday, March 25, 2017 - Amado, AZ

The Maverick needed an oil change and Mike said the guy told him it would take several hours.  So he decided today would be a good day to get it done.  I could not believe an oil change would take that long, but it little did I know that the location for the drain plug was almost impossible to get to.  Mike had to take the passenger seat out and the floor mats.  Then once he got the drain plug off it made a very large mess.  It is not a direct line of sight between the drain hole and the ground.  So oil got all over everything.

Eventually he got the job done and then it was time for Happy Hour.  Margaretta here we come.  It is always a nice social event and this is the last happy hour of the season for several people.  They will be headed back home for the summer.  Safe travels!

It was another wonderful day! 

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