Thursday, April 13, 2017

Travel to Houston

Monday, March 6, 2017 - Houston, TX

I needed to be at the airport by noon today and Sue, John and Kim needed to be there about 1:00pm.  The airport is about an hour drive away, so we got up, got packed up, said our "good-bye"'s and headed for the airport.  We had a wonderful time while we were here.  :)

When I stopped at the ticket counter to drop off my luggage they told me that my flight was delayed and gave me an option to go through Houston instead of Denver.  They were not sure how long it was going to be delayed since it was due to high winds in Denver.  I would still make it home earlier if I took the later flight out of Denver instead of Houston, so I stuck with my current schedule.

After we got through security we sat down at a restaurant and had lunch.  While at lunch I got a text message stating that my flight was delayed even more.  We were in 2 different concourses, so after lunch we said our "good-bye"'s and headed our separate ways. 

By the time I got to the gate the flight was delayed again and now I was not going to make the last flight to Tucson.  They still had the Houston option, but I would be flying stand-by, so I took this option.  Then headed for the new gate. 

Eventually I made it to Houston and had time to eat dinner.  At Houston airport they do not have you wait at the gate, you wait in a common area and just before it is time to board you head for the gate.  Very different.  I would not know if I made it on the plane until boarding time...Well I didn't make it.  :(  So, I headed back up to the common area to find out about hotels.  The airlines no longer pay for the hotel if the reason for a delay is due to weather.  I got to the hotel and called it a night.

It was another wonderful day.

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