Saturday, July 25, 2020

Black Forks River

Sunday, July 19, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

After church and breakfast we headed out for the public access site for the Black Forks River where we spent time playing in the water.

Pretty soon Alex and Avander were floating down the river and Mike was catching them.

The boys sat in the water for a little bit and when Alex got up his legs were black.  Upon further investigation we realized they were leaches.  Yuk!  They washed off really easy.  :)

The water was very cold and they were all soon ready to call it a day.  Even Gracie was cold and shivering.  Before leaving, Ami wanted her picture taken.
On the way back Gracie slept very well.  :)
When we got back Ami helped Papa cut up melon and prepare dinner.
It was another wonderful day!

Fossil Butte National Monument

Saturday, July 18, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

After breakfast, we packed up a picnic lunch and headed for Fossil Butte National Monument.  It was about an hour drive.  It was a nice ride.

Once we arrived I needed a picture of the sign.  There was a place to prop up the phone, so I was able to get in the picture also.  Van looks short as he is standing in a hole.  :)
We still had a couple of miles to go before getting to the visitor center.  The park is beautiful.

After checking out all of the fossils at the visitor center we headed to the nature center to eat our picnic lunch.
The view was awesome!

After lunch we drove up the scenic drive and made a stop at the top of the mountain.
The view was beautiful!
But the wind was very strong!

With the bush in the back ground it really looks like Ami's hair is spiked.  :)
Even I got into the action, but you can't tell how strong the wind is from this picture.  :)
Mike and the kids were just down the hill a little ways when Mike took the picture of me.
After taking the scenic drive, we headed back to the Nature Trail, which I thought they said was 1 mile.  But Mike and I think it might have been more.  :)  Before going on the trail Ami looked at the sign with all of the different flowers we would see along the way, so we took pictures of all the ones we saw.  I would line the camera up and Ami would click the picture.

The boys kept falling behind because "they were tired".  Yet Ami was able to keep up with us.
Mike took a picture of Ami and I waiting in the shade for Alex and Avander to catch up.
Once we were at the mid-point, we sat down on the benches waiting for the boys.  When me, Mike and Ami headed out and got around the corner Mike yelled "Look there's a mountain lion over there".  It took the boys about 45 seconds to catch up.  :)  When I asked if they saw the mountain lion they both said "Yes!".  LOL!  From there they stayed up with us or ahead of us.
It was a great hike.  We had a good time.

After dinner we played some more Frisbee golf.  :)
It was another wonderful day!


Friday, July 17, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

This morning Mike and kids headed for Lyman to get the brakes fixed on the Suburban.  The kids took their I-pads so they would have something to do while in the waiting room.  :)

A few hours later, the Suburban now has new calipers and rotors.   Voila, the brakes are fixed!

After lunch, the 4 of them all headed for the swimming pool.  They finally got to go!  Mike only took 1 picture, but it is a good one.
After dinner we pulled out the Wii and played a round of Frisbee golf.  I played myself, Vander was Tony, Ami was Jess and Alex was Mike.  They all had a lot of fun!  Ami did surprisingly well.
It was another wonderful day!

Splash Pad

Thursday, July 16, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

Yesterday Billie, Dee's mother, told the kids about a splash pad in Lyman.  So today they headed for Lyman to check it out.
They all said the water was too cold!

There was also a playground area, so to warm up they went over there to play.

While they were there they found out that at 1:30 every afternoon during the week, the pool at the high school is open for swimming.  It is an indoor pool.  They were first going to go home for lunch, then head back to the high school.  The kids were really looking forward to going, but on the way home from the park, the Suburban had a problem with the brakes.  :(  

After checking with Tony, our neighbor,  Mike found a place to get them fixed:  Rees Auto Repair, in Lyman, WY.  So tomorrow he will be taking it in to get the brakes fixed.

Mike did take the kids for a bike ride and ice cream this afternoon, but for the most part they just hung out around the trailer.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Mountain View Playground

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

This morning Mike and the kids headed for the playground in Mountain View.  They seem to have a great time and played with some other kids they met there.  This is the only picture Mike took.  :)
After lunch they all went for a bike ride around town and ended up at the Fort Bridger Outpost for ice cream.  Yum!  

Once I was done working for the day we went back to Wall Reservoir to go swimming.  The water was very cold and the bottom was very muddy.  Both Alex and Avander got one of their water shoes stuck so bad they had to pull their foot out and reach down and pull it out.  They still seem to have a good time, Gracie too!

After a fun filled day, Alex helped Papa cut up the sausage and veggies for pasta salad.
It was another wonderful day