Saturday, August 15, 2020

Gracie Playing in the Water

Thursday, August 6, 2020 - Kearney, NE

This evening, when we took Gracie over to the lake to play I took my phone so I could take a couple of pictures.  Here she is waiting for Mike to throw another rock.

Now she is waiting for another rock to splash in the water.

I took a short video of her diving in the water after a rock.

Oh, my, how she loves to play in the water.

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Kearney

Wednesday, August 5, 2020 - Kearney, NE

The cicada bugs have been very noisy while we have been Wray.  I did not see them, but I sure did hear them.  Mike could not hear them at all......even with his hearing aids in.  While we were packing up Mike saw this shell of one on our power cord, so I took a picture.

While we were driving, I took a quick picture of my co-pilot. :)

She is usually sleeping, but today she was watching out the window.

We made it to Kearney RV Park.  There is a small lake with a beach just across the way from our campsite.  Gracie was happy to see that.  :)

Of course once we got all set up, we took her over there to do some swimming, playing, and rock chasing.  She absolutely loves water!!

It was another wonderful day!

Donkeys Playing

Tuesday, August 4, 2020 - Wray, CO

This evening when we took Gracie for a walk we noticed these 2 donkeys playing.  It was fun to watch them running around chasing each other.

Once they noticed I wanted to take a picture they stopped playing and just watched me.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Wray

 Sunday, August 2, 2020 - Wray, CO

The drive today was only about 3.5 hours.  The scenery was nice.

When I called to make reservation, she asked us not to arrive before 12:30pm because she wanted to be there when we arrived and would not return from church until then.  They are very full and she plans on us parking diagonally across 2 sites.  She wanted to be there to show us how she wanted us to park.  

We were going to arrive pretty close to 12:30pm and then we hit a detour.  The detour took us about 1 hour out of our way.  I had told Mike that I thought the detour was going to take us all the way up to US 6, which I said was maybe 5 miles past a "S" curve.  Well when you zoom out a few times on the map 5 miles might be 45 miles.  Mike's phone had no service and was getting ready to die.  To make things worse, he could not get the transmit button to pop back out on the walkie talkie so he could talk to me.  He was sure we missed a turn somewhere.  But we made it.  :)  The reason Google Maps did not tell us about it, was because if we were just driving the Suburban we would not have had to take the detour.  :)

When we finally did arrive, someone was a no show and we ended up with a very nice single 30 Amp site, but with no sewer.

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Cheyenne

Saturday, August 1, 2020 - Cheyenne, WY

The Fort Bridger RV Park was a great place to stay for the month of July.  The owners and staff were great!  All of the sites are big and very nice.  We would definitely come back.

We did not leave as early as we had hoped, but we still left before 8:00am.  The drive to Cheyenne was very nice and we made it before the wind started picking up.  :)

We arrived at the Cheyenne KOA Journey safe and sound.

It was like a big gravel parking lot and like most KOA Journey's it was noisy and right next to the highway.  But the staff was very friendly.

Once we got settled, we checked to see if there was anything to do while we were here.  There are several museums in Cheyenne, but a couple were closed and a couple more were closing soon.  These are all ones we will have to save for another day.  :)  We found the Nelson Museum of the West was still open, so that is where we went.

The website says it is an Old West heritage museum exhibiting a wide range of cowboy, Native American and military artifacts.  They also have "trophy animals of the world".  Mike and I really enjoyed it.

We could have spent more time there, but it was closing time and we had to leave.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Time to Pack

Friday, July 31, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

This morning Tony and Miranda finished packing up the last few things in the mini-van.  It was very tightly packed and with bags even strapped to the roof.  With the bicycles inside, there was barely enough room for the kids!  Once they were ready to go, we gave hugs, said our "Good-bye's", and waved them on their way.  They have a long, long drive ahead.  

With everyone gone, it was now our turn to get packed up.  We did all the laundry, got the trailer cleaned up, and then started packing and loading the motorcycles.  It took most of the day to get everything done.

We have about a 5 hour drive tomorrow and will be leaving first thing in the morning headed for Cheyenne.  We want to leave as early as possible to get ahead of the high winds found in that part of the state.

It was another wonderful day!

Flaming Gorge Reservior

Thursday, July 30, 2020 – Fort Bridger, WY

This morning, we got everyone out of bed early to head down to Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area.  We had rented a 22 ft pontoon boat with a 60hp outboard for the day. 

We forgot to bring the kids’ life jackets, but fortunately we were able to get nice ski jackets for them with the rental.

We thought we would drive it down to the damn. 

The kids are eating Jello Jigglers in this picture.  :)  They all thought they were very good!

The views were awesome!

But with a 60hp engine we were only able to go about 11 miles per hour.  :)  There was no way we were going to make to the dam and back in the time we had, so we decided to find a nice cove, have lunch and get in some swimming.   

Mike and Ami went crawdad hunting and found quite a few of them.  Ami and Van chased them underwater with sticks, Alex wanted nothing doing with any more crawdads.  :)

Mike did go up to the shore and take a couple of pictures of the boat.

Tony and I took Alex and Avander out on the big tube to play.  While playing, we all stood up and Tony and I knocked the boys off the tube.  Well, they wanted to try again.  This time we all stood up and Tony and I were sure we would have the same result, but much to our surprise Tony and I ended up in the drink.  LOL!

I got this nice picture of Ami and Miranda enjoying their time on the water.

Soon it was getting time to head back.  We had to have the boat back to the marina by 5:00pm as they charge $100 for every 1/2 hour you are late, starting at the first minute past the hour.  Alex, Avander and Ami road in the front underneath the big tube.

It was a nice ride back and we did see some wildlife.

This time we did not take the scenic route but took a shortcut instead, so it did not take us anywhere near as long to get back.  Since we still had some time to play we found another nice area to do some swimming and exploring.

Before we took the boat back, Tony and boys wanted me to take some pictures of them jumping in the water from the rocks.

It was a wonderful day out on the lake.  I think everyone got a little bit too much sun.  Avander wanted me to take a picture of his back, so he could see how much sunburn he got.

While getting dinner ready, Mike washed all of the kids clothes so they could start getting packed.  Tony and Miranda and the kids will be heading back east in the morning.  After dinner, they started loading up the mini-van.  It has been a fun week and I am going to hate to see them leave.

While eating, we asked the kids what they remember most about their trip out to see Grandma and Papa.  They all had lots of things they mentioned, but Ami was the first to pipe up and respond.  She said “I got to shoot a gun!”

It was another wonderful day!