Saturday, August 1, 2020

Piedmont Charcoal Kilns

Saturday, July 25, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

This morning Mike found the part we need for the toilet online at Cheyenne Camping Center in Walcott, IA and purchased it.   They are right off I-80 and Tony and Miranda will pick it up and bring it out with them when they go by later today.  

After breakfast we decided to take a bike ride around Fort Bridger.

Soon we heard some thunder off in the distance and then it started to rain.  We found an overhang to hide under until the rain stopped.
Fortunately it only rained for a few minutes and then cleared up.  :)

After lunch, we headed for the Piedmont Charcoal Kilns State Historical Site.  Once we were off the highway we drove way out into the country.  But it was a very nice drive.

Soon we arrived and it was a lot smaller site than I thought it was going to be.  :)  But the kilns were a lot bigger than I thought they would be.  They are 30 feet in diameter by 30 feet tall.  The window near the top is how they loaded all of the wood.  The small holes near the base of the kiln were for venting.  There are 4 kilns, but the 4th one had collapsed a long time ago.
When we walked around the other side we discovered we could go inside.
We were surprised it did not smell like charcoal inside.
When we would stand in the middle and talk it would echo.  I patted Ami on the stomach it sounded like a helicopter, which made her giggle.

I took a picture of the sign, then Alex climbed on it and wanted me to take another picture.  :)

Then it was time to check out the Piedmont ghost town.  This is what it looks like.

When I walked up to the building where the kids were Alex said there are bats in that board.  I heard the squeaking, but I thought it was just the boards rubbing together.  Upon further investigation we found out it was bats!  And lots of them.  They are between a couple of boards.  I attempted to take a picture, but each time I got ready to snap the shot I would back up real fast.  My pictures did not turn out.  :)

So I handed the phone to Mike and he took some really good pictures of them.
We  walked around a little more and took a couple more pictures.

On the way back there were cows in the road and the kids wanted me to take a picture of them.  
When we got back to Fort Bridger we stopped by the Fort Bridger Outpost for some ice cream.  Right across the street from the out post was a covered wagon, which is also a sign for the RV park, that Alex wanted us to take a picture of him in.
While we were making dinner Ami, found out she could stand on the pegs and ride on the back of the boys' bikes and wanted us to take pictures.

Look Mom, no hands!!!

It was another wonderful day!

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