Saturday, August 1, 2020

Alex Diving

Thursday, July 23, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

This afternoon Mike and the kids were back at the Lyman Aquatic Center.  The aquatic center does not open until 1:30 pm.  The kids love to swim and watch the clock.  As soon as it gets to be about 1:15 pm they are asking how much longer before they get to go to the pool.  :)

All week Mike has been working with Ami on her swimming and flutter kick and it really shows.  He took a video of her swimming like a fish.  :)  She now has no problem swimming all the way across the pool.
Alex has been practicing his diving.  Mike caught a couple good pictures.  :)

Then Alex wanted him to take a video.  But this time he did a flip and a back smacker!  Ouch!
This evening the toilet flush valve actuator broke.  :(  Mike looked on-line for parts and made some calls.  He hopes he found some at an RV dealer in Ogden, UT.  It looks like he and kids will be making a 120 mile road trip tomorrow.

It was another wonderful day!

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