Saturday, August 15, 2020

Travel to Kearney

Wednesday, August 5, 2020 - Kearney, NE

The cicada bugs have been very noisy while we have been Wray.  I did not see them, but I sure did hear them.  Mike could not hear them at all......even with his hearing aids in.  While we were packing up Mike saw this shell of one on our power cord, so I took a picture.

While we were driving, I took a quick picture of my co-pilot. :)

She is usually sleeping, but today she was watching out the window.

We made it to Kearney RV Park.  There is a small lake with a beach just across the way from our campsite.  Gracie was happy to see that.  :)

Of course once we got all set up, we took her over there to do some swimming, playing, and rock chasing.  She absolutely loves water!!

It was another wonderful day!

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