Saturday, August 1, 2020

Toilet Repair

Friday, July 24, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

This morning Mike disassembled the toilet to make sure of the parts he needed.  It was a good thing he did, because the part that broke last time is not the part that broke this time.  

After the kids got done eating breakfast, they all hopped in the car and headed for Ogden, UT.  Mike said the drive was beautiful, especial after they got off I-80.

Once he returned, it was time to fix the toilet.   I was surprised Ami wanted to help also. 
Alex helped some with the disassembly but mostly wanted to watch and spray the Windex.  Vander wanted nothing doing with any of it.  :)

After the new waste ball and actuator were installed, it was time to put it back together.  When we turned the water back on we discovered a leak in the back of the toilet.  We were unable to determine exactly what was leaking, so Mike had to take it back out.  We finally figured out the problem, it was the back-flow preventer that was leaking.  Mike by-passed it for now so we could have water in the rig tonight.  :)  

It was another wonderful day!

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