Saturday, August 8, 2020

Float Down the Green River

Monday, July 27, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

Just before lunch we packed up and headed for Green River, WY to float down the Green River.  Once we arrived we picked up some Taco Bell for lunch and headed over to Expedition Island to eat.  After the kids were done eating, they played on the playground until the rest of us were done.  Even I played on the playground.  :)
Once everyone was done and we cleaned everything up, Tony and Mike checked out the map to see where to park the other car for our out-of-water spot.
We were told it is about a 2 to 4 hour ride down the river.  

Once Tony and Mike headed out to drop the Suburban off, the kids wanted to play in the river.
Then Alex wanted to do an "I Love You" picture for me to send to his Mom and Dad.  :)  Ami is doing the heart, Alex is pointing to the camera and Avander is pointing to himself.
Alex and Avander really enjoyed floating down the river, Ami did not want to try it.  She was fine just wading in the water with me and Miranda.

Soon Tony and Mike returned and it was time to blow up the tubes.  Mike and I bought 7 tubes and Tony brought the big tube from his house.  Well, I am real glad we bought as many tubes as we did since 2 of the tubes had leaks in them.  They didn't even make in the water.  

We finally got all of the tubes blown up and we tied them all to the big tube.  We all climbed aboard and headed down the water.  :)
At one point Alex wanted to untie from the big tube like Uncle Tony.  Mike and I and Ami were on the big tube at the time.  And it just so happened that we came near an eddy and Alex got caught up in it and hauled back upstream.  Alex called to us to come back but we couldn't as we were in the middle and going downriver pretty fast.  Alex really did very well and rose to the challenge.  He couldn't get his tube out of the eddy and backwater and only panicked a little bit, but he got out of the tube and swam out into the current and came downriver.  He left the tube behind and lost a water shoe.  Mike was able to swim to the side of the river and work his way back upriver to get the tube, but the water shoe was lost for good.  In the picture, the eddy is back by the bush that is just to the right of the rock wall.  The current kept us moving and Mike struggled to get the tube but finally got it.  We are just really glad we insisted the kids wear their life jackets.  After Alex was back with the group, he wanted to know why the backwater area was called an "eddy".  Tony told him he wasn't sure, but the opposite of an eddy (the current) is called a "Barbara". LOL!  I didn't get it but everybody laughed at Tony's joke.  :)
We soon arrived at the take-out spot and deflated all the tubes so we could fit them back in the car.  It took us a little over 2 hours to get here.  We all agreed that this river rafting ride was much better than the kayak ride we did in Montana when we went to Glacier in 2016.  The Green River was fairly fast and only had two spots that were shallow enough that we had to walk the tubes through them.  

After dinner the kids wanted to play Wii with Uncle Tony.  

It was another wonderful day!

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