Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Gun Range

Wednesday, July 29, 2020 – Fort Bridger, WY

We were lazy this morning and slept in.  Well at least the kids did.  After lunch we headed out to the shooting range to let the kids try shooting a real gun.  :)  Mike had gone over the safety aspect the day before and taught them the parts of the gun and the range commands he would use while they were shooting.

It is a nice range with a lot of natural back stops.

Tony set Miranda all up for watching.  She even got a fan.  :)

On the way there, Alex said he was not sure he really wanted to shoot a gun.   Once we got there he said he would give it a try.  Once Mike gave Alex information on shooting a gun he took his first couple of shots.  Tony was using another scope on another rifle to see where each shot hit.  

Alex’s first shot hit the X (center of the 10 ring) in the center of the target.  Come to find out, several shots hit close to the bullseye and all were in the black…….outstanding shooting for his very first time.  He saved the target to take it home to show his Mom and Dad.  But now Alex was very excited about shooting and continued to do very well.  Here is a picture of his target.

Avander was up next.  

He did ok.  All 10 of his shots were on the paper and 2 were in the black, but none were near the bulls eye.

It was Ami’s turn next.  She thought it was ok, but didn’t seem real impressed with the idea of shooting a gun.  She only got one of her 10 shots on the paper.

After I shot my pistol a couple of times, Mike let Alex and Avander each have a turn at shooting one round from my revolver.  Neither one really seemed to like the recoil of my .38.  :)

Mike finally got a turn at shooting his gun.

And then Alex and Avander got another turn at shooting the .22 rifle.

Overall, I think they had a good time shooting. 

After dinner we came up with a new game.  We used our pickleball racket as a bat and we played “Pickle Bat”….This is the name Ami came up with.  It is kind of like whiffleball but we used our pickleball paddles as a bat.   We had 3 pine trees on our site that were perfect to use as bases and we used the cement pad as home plate.  Alex did a very good job at catching the fly balls.  While I was pitching he was my outfielder.  :)  Both Alex and Avander did a good job of pitching.  We all had a good time playing!

When we came back inside, I found Alex sitting in the chair and reading my blog.  I asked him what he was doing and he looked up guiltily and said “You wrote a story and I am reading it.  And the story has ME in it.”  I told him yeah, he is in it a lot.  He asked if he could read it at home and I told him yes, but he would have to have his Mom or Dad put the link on his tablet.  He was surprised and intrigued to find out I was writing a blog and he was a part of it.

It was another wonderful day!

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